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In seoul police station, a hard working young chief police officer kim Taehyung is busy investigating about the new murder case.

"do you find any footage near that house" Taehyung asked leaning on the chair looking at all the screens infront of him

A man sitting on a chair busy typing on the computer to show the clips of all the security cameras.

"it's hard to find it Sir. There's no camera infront of that house since the house located far away from the city in an abandoned place."

"yeah but there must be cameras around streets near the house. There's a highway there. So there should be a camera" Taehyung said

The guy type something on computer for few mins and there a footage pop up of the highway security camera.

"good.. Now show me how many cars passes from that area"

"Okay sir" the guy played the video of the day when the incident happened and writes about all the passing cars.

"Chief kim. The victim's son came. He's waiting for you at the interrogation room" once officer came in the room to inform Taehyung

"okay.. I'll be there in few minutes" Taehyung said before signaling the guy to leave.

"Sir.. There's only family cars and buses passed from that area. Because there's an amusement park on the highway" the camera security guy said

Taehyung look at the screen. Seeing no weird cars passing only cars with family people in it

"look again. And inform me right away if you see any car turning to the alley toward the house." Taehyung said before leaving the room before walking to the interrogation room.


I was sitting and doing my work, trying my best to finish this files on time. But it's taking alot time. I only finished 39 files and it's already lunch time. How I'm gonna finish the rest on today! I sigh heavily seeing all the scattered files on the desk. It's giving me a headache already. I rubbed my head for awhile and started working again

"miss saerin, aren't you gonna eat?.. Its already lunch time" Mr. Yang came in my cabin

"nah.. I'll skip i have alot work to do" i said

"but miss saerin it's not good to skip lunch. Eat lil. Mr. Jeon has different canteen here on the floor for him and for the employees on this floor only. So you don't have to go down and you can here quickly" Mr. Yang

"Thanks but i will eat later" i smile lil

"okay.. The canteen is on the left side. Id you need anything call me because eating lunch outside" he pointed toward the straight and on the left side. And. Walk away before giving you a gentle smile

I nod, thanking him again and focus on the work


"hello chang minho, I'm chief officer kim Taehyung" Taehyung said sitting down on a chair infront of a guy in interrogation room

"why you called me?" minho said giving displease look

"oh.. so you wanna come direct to the point huh?" Taehyung smirk lean back on his chair.

"your dad's death body found few weeks ago. Where were you at that time?" Taehyung

"i was with my mom in the hospital"
Minho said in mono tone


"because she's sick"

"really.. Then tell me why you don't live with your dad? and why he was drinking amd having a party while his sick wife & son is at the hospital hmm?"

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