Part - 42

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Getting ready after taking a long shower, saerin wore a maroon silk gown and walk downstairs while a beautiful smile dancing on her lips.

She look around. Expecting to see Jungkook but she couldn't find him.. Furrowing her eyebrows in confusion she search him in every room as her steps took her to the last room which is a library room. But to her luck she couldn't find him there as well.

Which lead her to start thinking

'where Jungkook gone suddenly??'

Her eyes stop at the different types of books on the shelf.. Which were neatly arrange. Making her attracted towards it more.

She loves reading books and looking at the amazing collection of books Jungkook has, her eyes shine as she took out a pretty butterfly print book just present below the purple book.

She took the book in her hands as she walks toward the chair on the opposite direction

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She took the book in her hands as she walks toward the chair on the opposite direction. Which covers the library with a curtain

She sat down as her mesmerising eyes open the book reading the first title inside

"You shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect"

Saerin got impressed by this book already as she flips the pages when suddenly a purple old flower drop from book.

She raise her eyebrows, shocked at looking an old purple flower as she knows Jungkook hates this flower.

She bend down to pick it up. When she heards a footstep sound. Looking upward, she saw Jungkook standing there with slight surprise and more angery cold face.

"what are you doing here?!"

She stood up and look at Jungkook as she answered

"i was looking for you Jungkook.. When did you came back? And where you went??"

As she asked walking towards him

"i went to buy dinner for us"

Jungkook answered and his eyes glare at her hand as soon as he noticed the book jn her hand.

"u didn't answer me .. What were you doing here?" Jungkook asked again but this time his voice laced with displease.

"ohh.. I found this book so i thought to read it but a purple flower drop from it. But Jungkook didn't you say you don't like purple flower?"

She said looking at him confusingly with her innocent eyes

"it's not mine.. My mom used to read this romantic books"

"ohh that's why.. Your mom had good taste in books" Saerin smile while looking at the book

"but this book look so new" as saerin flips through the book pages while admiring it

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