Part - 53

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the man walk closer to Jungkook and stand infront of him with an evil smirk

"i always have my eyes on you.. Don't forget that"

He said in low voice which is only audible for Jungkook to hear.

He patt Jungkook's shoulder as he move pass Jungkook and walk on the stage

"Mr. Jeon will buy this house in 2 million.. Right Mr. Jeon?" he smirk at Jungkook with his one eyebrow raise. Challenging him which obviously Jungkook aware about.

Jungkook's fist tighten well aware about his tac tics. He's using this house as his weak point to give him warning and create troubles in his life just for their both revenge.

"Uh-huh" the man tilt his head in teasing manner with the evil smirk still dancing on his lips as he challenged Jungkook

"looks like Mr. Jeon can't afford this in 2 million dollars.. Then i will buy" the man turn toward the MC as he raise his one hand in air signaling the bodyguards behind him with his fore finger

His bodyguard nod as they took out the black briefcase full of money.

The MC was total in shook seeing alot of money and the two big rich mens having conflict over an old orphanage house. His mouth was hang down but with one snap from the rich man infront of him who was wearing an old watch?.

Seeing the MC eyeing his watch, the unknown men's jaw clench as he stamp his foot hard on him.

"Ouchh" the MC moan in pain as everyone in the hall look confused since MC's legs were hidden by table mic.

The MC bowed down with scared sorry expression as he took out the property papers in hand and started announcing in the mic

"the old orphanage house at the hyepojae beach in jeju island goes to-"


"-Goes to jackson wang"

Jackson jump in excitement as he won the big prize in amusement park of busan.

Jackson took the big Teddy bear as he put out his tongue teasing other kids waiting on the area. Who sulk and glare at jackson.

"jelly kids" Jackson scoff as he happily showed his big size teddy bear infront of those kids

"it's my luck charms kids.. That out of all your names. My name announced in the winner chit"

One 10 yr old kid getting done by Jackson's tease, he walk forward and stomp Jackson foot before running away calling him

"grow up ahjussi"

Jackson turn around in anger as he was ready to run toward those kids for calling him old.

"Wtf you doing jackson!!"

Taehyung stumble onto jackson seeing him with big teddy instead of searching for clue here.

"we are here to find Jungkook's childhood house... Not to play in amusement park"

Taehyung angrily glare at Jackson before turning toward the game stall. Showing the chit which he was showing to every stalls in this park

Taehyung managed to got street address of Jungkook's childhood house and a torn crumbled photo of the house. But to his unfortunate, it was too old address, so many things in busan has changed and developed so finding an old house in a developed modern streets is hard.

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