Part - 66

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Mr. Min said looking shock to see Taehyung using a stretcher

"W-what.. Happened to you"
Mr. Min stutter lil to maintain his ill acting

"nothing uncle Min, just a minor—"

Taehyung's words cut off by jackson as he glance at him in disbelief

"Minor!! Bro.. The injury is on your leg not on your head that u forgot its not a minor.. And Nor...." Jackson turn his head away from tae to glare at Saerin ".. Nor.. Its an accident"

Taehyung sigh as he signal Jackson to not say anything infront of Min

"forget about me uncle.. And take care of yourself.. I didn't know you came here and your condition become like this" Taehyung felt bad seeing Mr. Min like that he handed Mr. Min flowers and wish him to recover soon

"Tae we shall leave now"

Jackson said as Taehyung nodded and was about to turn and leave but Mr. Min hold his wrist

"d-dont.. Go... Stay"

Mr. Min let out with his weak voice.. Making everyone there feel sad except Jungkook who just secretly roll his eyes at him

'this old man really is.. #£###"

" No Tae —"

Jackson quickly shake his head and pull his hand to leave from there but Jungkook voice stop his sentence and his steps

" yeah you should stay... Afterall Father in law will get better fast if you stay close to him"

Jungkook said with the fake smile plastered on his lips as he pat Mr. Min's shoulder

This shock not only Mr. Min but all of them. Thinking why would jk wants Saerin's ex fiance to stay in the same roof with him

"No thanks" Taehyung said with emotionaless voice and turn around to leave but Mr. Min again grab his hand but this time he..

Mr.min's raise his both hands in fake tremble and join them to beg Taehyung
With fake tears forming in his eyes

"pl-ease Son.. Stay... Aren't i'm n-not your A-Appa anymore?"

Taehyung soft heart got melt as he hold Mr. Min hand to not beg infront of him

Now Taehyung doesn't know what should he do


She doesn't know what she should do as she reach the place. Looking all over to search for Jimin but not finding him there

She already called him many times and decided to message him when his message popped up

Jimin :

Come at the top floor babe

I'm waiting here for you

Hana look up seeing jiminie's body silhouette in the dark

A relief euphoric smile formed on her face as she walk upstairs toward him


She shout happily as soon as she reach there expecting jimin to turn his body toward her and hug him

But she heard no response so she walk closer to him.. And as soon as she walk near him she realized

'it's jiminie's wax statue'

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