Part - 23

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After taking a shower Saerin lay down on her bed

All the incident flash inside her head. Only she knows how scared she felt. She never experienced this things before in her life.

Getting kidnap and almost losing life which was saved by Jungkook.

A smile slowly crept on her face remembering Jungkook's face.

The way he risked his life for her and The way he rescued her, fight with all the goons and protect her in his arms securely

She never felt so secure and comfortable in someone's arms except her dad.

Her dad always protect her from small things but the feel she's feeling from Jungkook's protective embrace is really different that she never felt before.

She took her big plushy and hug it tightly while a blush form on her cheeks thinking about Jungkook

'he look so strong when he fight all those mans alone and quickly rush towards me, freeing me from the chair, and when he pulled me in his embrace making me feel so secure and safe..."

Saerin's heartbeat fasten thinking about him. The euphoric feelings turn to gloomy when the scene of jk falling down with blood oozing from his body. Her whole world shattered seeing Jungkook's condition like that. She felt like her soul is crushing seeing Jungkook in pain. She can't bear to see him like that. Her heart will rip apart if anything happens to Jungkook again. A tear drop from her eyes but she quickly wipe it.

Comforting herself and determining that she will take care of Jungkook from now on. She won't let anything happens to him.

'i promise to myself i will always take care of you Jungkook'

The powerful feeling she's feeling right now for Jungkook took over the traumatic incident she went through few hours ago.

The feeling she's feeling right now is too strong and pure that she close her eyes with a content smile praying for Jungkook to appear in her dreams just like how he is clouding her minds.

Putting her one hand on her heart she whispered to herself

"i don't know what this feeling is but i wish Jungkook's heart to move same rhythm as mines"


"very bad move.. Jimin hyung"

Jungkook laugh making jimin laugh as well.

Jungkook move away and sat up giving the place for jimin to sit.

"I just wanna test your instincts.. Which as always sharp even when you were sleeping"

Jimin said playing with the fake knife.

"well you know me hyung so why even bother to do this" making Jungkook role his eyes while lean back on the bed rest.

"anyways.. Why are you here?? I told you to not come" Jungkook glare at jimin

"shut up you kid!.. You hurt yourself and want me to just stay home when you are at hospital" jimin said hitting jk's head lightly

Jungkook wince and said
"aww hyung.. First don't call me kid second.. I'm fine"

"Jungkook our plan was for you to get fake injury with blood pack hiding on your arm. So it can look real But you brave boy wants to make it more realistic by not putting any safe things"

Jungkook smirk and said

"this small injury doesn't hurts me anymore"

Jungkook's face turn gloomy and his eyes become sharp with anger building up inside his body, the firing lava that form inside his body for years. Lighten up whenever he thinks about the cruel past of his.

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