Part - 2

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"Good morning miss"

"miss, wake up" A maid enter the room with heavy steps.

"Miss, please wake up" she lightly tap my shoulder to wake me up

"Ughh.... Let me sleep" i mumble, still in my dreamland. Pulling my warm blanket and try to sleep more. Since it's winter time. And who the heck likes to wake up early in the morning during this chilly season when you can just hug your warm blanket and sleep comfortably.

"miss! Your dad is waiting at the breakfast table" she said shaking me lightly

"oh shoot!!" i immediately sat up. Almost Throwing my blanket on the floor and hurriedly walk toward the bathroom.

"why didn't you told me that before, hana!"
I said brushing my teeths hurriedly and try to get ready fast

"Sorry miss but i already tried to tell you many times " she said passing me my towel and holding my pastel yellow color dress in hands.

"it's okay now. Quickly put my dress on the bed and tell my dad to start drinking his tea Atleast. I'll come there in few mins" shutting the bathroom door to Take a quick shower.


Walking down the stairs i saw my dad taking sip of swiss tea and reading newspaper

"Dad" giving him light hug before sitting beside him

"here.. comes my angel" he pat my head. Smiling at me which i return with a pout

"why did you wait for me dad. You should started eating" i whine lil. Because he always do this. He never eat without me

"well how can i eat without my angel.. Hmm" he said softly putting the newspaper aside
"Bora. Serve my princess her favorite breakfast" he ordered one of our maid. She bowed her head and started setting my plate with my favorite dishes.

"i can't argue over this with you dad" i said giving up
. Shaking my head lightly and start eating

"princess.. Are you going somewhere?" he asked looking at me all dress up

"Yes dad. I forgot to tell you. Today is lil party at orphanage. So I'm going there"

"oh that's good my princess. If you need anything tell me or my assistant" he said with a warm smile while patting my head.

"thanks dad. I love you" i hug him

"i love you too princess"

** *

"Princess huh" jungkook smirk looking at his assistant. Leaning on his chair

"yes the party theme is princess at the orphanage" the assistant replied

"get my car ready. We are going there"

"but sir you have a meeting now" Mr. Yang hesitately said with low voice

Jungkook glared at him while grabbing his jacket and walking out from his office cabin

The assistant follow behind him. Trying to match his boss pace and quickly calling the driver to get the car ready


"the car is ready mam" the driver open the door for you

"ughh.. how many times i should tell you to not call me mam!" i said while sitting down on back seat

"you're Mr chief's daughter i cant call you by name"

"uncle jim. i treat you as my uncle so you should treat me as my niece and call me by my name. That's it no argue!" i folded my hand and acting strict infront of him

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now