Part -7 {1}

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"Oh my daughter!" your dad run toward as soon as he saw you entering the house.

"are you okay my princess?" your dad hug you and check your body to see if you have any injury or anything.

"don't worry appa.. I'm fine" you hold your dad hands. Convincing him that you are perfectly okay.

"why are you late then?" your dad look at you worriedly.

"because of heavy rain appa" you said and taking him to living room and making him sit down on sofa.

"where's jim- wait... What are you wearing? Is it Taehyung's coat?"

"are you feeling cold my princess" your dad suddenly yelled loudly to call the maids.

"Hana quickly braught warm clothes and thermometer for my princess and you all make warm soup and tea" he command all the maids in his stern voice.

You shake your head seeing your dad being so worried for a small thing

He check your temperature with his hand

"Thank god you don't have a fever but we should check your temperature with thermometer " he sigh in relief.

"dad I'm perfectly fine" you try to calm him down

"you didn't answer my question.. Princess"
He point at the coat you are wearing.

"oh.. it's not Taehyung's. It's actually from a guy who help me and drop me at home"
You unknowingly smile thinking about Jungkook.

"What?! Who that guy was?! And where's jim?! Jim didn't pick you up?!"

"dad you ask too many questions"

"firstly.. I didn't come with any stranger. I know that guy and secondly.. I don't know where jim is. I try to look for him at the parking lot but couldn't find him, maybe uncle jim is still waiting at somewhere outside the hotel"
You shrug your shoulder and continued

"he might be worrying for me as well. So please dad call him and inform him" you felt bad thinking uncle probably finding you there or stuck in heavy rain traffic.

"yeah i will surely inform him" your dad softly replied to you and look away changing his expressions to dark as he thought about how he is now gonna handle that jim.

"ah thanks hana. Dad i will go change and rest in my room" as you saw hana walk in with warm blanket and clothes. Which you took from her and walk toward your room after greeting good night to your dad and telling him to not worried and go sleep as well.

As you disappear from leaving room.. Your dad secretary and his mens walk in the living room

"master.. We brought jim" your dad's mens huff in loss of oxygen because of all the running and searching in the heavy rain.

"bring him to outhouse chamber. I'll come there after saerin fall asleep" Mr. Min wonshik aka your dad ordered. Before he stood up and take out a gun from a hidden cabinet.


Park jimin with his assistant and some office staff walking behind him toward his father's office.

After reaching at the close door of office, jimin's assistant was about to open the door. But jimin stop him by showing his palm.

"i'll go alone, you all stay here"

Jimin walk in, closing the door behind him

"abeoji" jimin called his dad who is sitting on a rolling chair showing his back to jimin

Jimin's father roll his chair to face his son with a very stern face.

"i wish to here a good news jimin or else you know what will happen" jimin's dad showed his strict emotional less face.

Jimin sigh lightly and bow his head lil, contemplating over how to break this news to his father.

"Park jimin!! Answer. Me"

Jimin shaken up hearing his dad yell, he heave a heavy sigh before looking up, meeting his eyes with his dad's ones.

"Abeoji..." jimin hesitated to continue, thinking about the next after come of it

"Jungkook terminated our contract"

"what?!" Mr. Park stood up, hearing that he flip the desk table infront of him.

He dash toward jimin in a speed of light, grabbing his son's neck, harshly pushing him back on the wall.

"i fucking gave you one work to complete, but you are a useless piece of shit" he spat on jimin's face, almost choking him

"Abe--abeo-ji" jimin struggle to stop him.

Suddenly someone open the door hearing, the voices and noises inside the office.

Jimin's dad quickly leave jimin before Stepping back.

He look at jimin's secretary who stood at the open door in shock.

Mr. Park scoff while straighting his coat and walk out angrily.

Jimin's assistant rush toward jimin who was sitting down trying to breathe.

"sir! Sir! You okay?" he help jimin to stand up and put him on sofa in the room.

Jimin's eyes turn red in rage.. He massage his neck While catching breath to compose himself.

'I'll make you pay for it jeon'

'I'll make you pay for it jeon'

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