Part - 25

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Removing the silencer from the gun, Mr. Min put that gun carefully in chen's dead hand.

And with his already gloved hands he grab his friend's face

"poor my chingu~" Min insanely laugh at his dead friend's body.

"I'm sorry my friend i had to kill you.. But I can't trust your stupid mouth" Min glare at his face before harshly throwing his face from his hold.

Shrugging his jacket Mr. Min look at his friend one last time with an evil smirk

"now you will fulfil the friend's duty" he laugh darkly pushing his head back before smirking at his friend's dead body.

"what a good friend you are.... Opps.. Were.. Hahaha"

Mr.min removes & clean all his belongings from the room, leaving zero trace. And arranging the false & fake proofs.

"now my dear late friend.. You will take all the blame"

Saying this Mr. Min leave that place leaving no trace of his presence there.

'I'm indeed a monster... My friend'


"My dad is an angel... My friend "

Saerin said to byeol while showing the beautiful dress.

"you are lucky Rin.. Your dad always baught so many beautiful dresses and things for you from different countries"

Taking the dress byeol quickly put infront of herself, looking at the mirror, gwaking at how expensive the dress looks on her.

"now what he's bringing you from Bangkok this time?? He's working there for so long.. Means he will bring so many things for you"
Byeol eyes shines and she jump in excitement thinking about all the luxurious things.

Saerin chuckle at her reaction and said

"He will.. Even tho i told Appa many times that i don't need those things but still he never listen"

Saerin tear up and smile at the same time

"it's been a while.. I saw him, he's too busy with work and solving cases that he forget to call me.. Too passionate at his work duty. i miss him alot.. But I'm really proud. Even After getting retired he still working passionately and serving his duty against all crime for citizens saftey. My dad is really the greatest human being"

Saerin said getting emotional and feeling proud from inside.

"your Dad is your hero right?" byeol said after getting ready in Rin's dress for her date and hug Saerin.

"He's my superhero"


"He thought he was a superhero!!" jackson hit the table while crying badly while his colleagues hugs him trying to comfort

"now see... W-what happened" Jackson cried looking at his brother's news on TV

"M-my... B-brother.. L-left mee" Jackson cried looking at his brother's picture

Taehyung burst open inside the Jackson's cabin when he heard the news about his brother.

Jackson look upward and quickly hugged Taehyung, crying on his shoulder.. Before kneeling down and hugging Taehyung's legs

"I--I'm s-sorry Tae"... "it's my deed that killed my brother... It was my fault... But karma hit to my brother"

Taehyung quickly hold Jackson's arms, pulling him up and making him sit on the chair.

Jackson quickly hold Taehyung's big hands in his trembling hands

"I-I'm sorry Tae" "you were right... I'm a bad person but my brother Don't deserve my punishment... He was such an amazing officer i swear" Jackson's teary eyes look at Taehyung's.

Taehyung tried his best to calm Jackson down and hug him.

"jack.. Go" pulling from the hug Taehyung continues

"Go to Thailand.. Your family needs you there.. I will take care of your duty here.. Don't worry"

"T-thank y-you Tae" Jackson tightly cling on Taehyung's body while Tae pat his back in comfort


"Thanks jimin hyung" Jungkook said when Jimin put Jungkook on his bed after getting discharged from the hospital

"how many times you gonna thanks your hyung kiddo" jimin messed up jk's hairs while putting the medicines beside the bed on the table.

"I'm thanking you for always supporting me and helping me in this.. Even when you doesn't wanted too"

"It's okay kookie.. I will do anything for you"

Taking the medicine and water, jimin feed Jungkook and continue

"now tell me what should i do next Mastermind jaykaayy"

Jungkook playfully rolled his eyes at him and said

"first don't call me kookie or jaykayy"

"forget it.. I'm never gonna do that kookie kookie kookieeee" jimin teasingly chuckle and said "it's my fees in return so shut up Mr. Kookie! And tell me what i have to do next"

"okay jimin-ssi"
Jungkook said teasing jimin back and then change his face quickly to serious mode

" all my plans from the start worked very well... From accidently meeting Saerin by that car accident with puppy to that party dance. You did great job at acting hyung... But now the real game will begin... You have to become her friend... Infact her bestest friend. And keep close eye on her"

"and i will take care of the rest....

It's time to take the big step of my sweet revenge"

Jungkook smirked, while throwing a dart on the front wall where Saerin's big picture was held with red cross marks


Removing his black goggles,  the man in tux walked from the airport toward the city of seoul..

Breathing the fresh air of seoul.. The man smirked and said

'finally I came back... "


Are you guys ready for the huge twist in upcoming chapters? 😏

The main turning point of the sweet revenge gonna happen.. So prepare your hearts.

The next chapter will come tomorrow!.. Not gonna make you wait long for it😉

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