Part - 30

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Saerin stood up and wipe her tear harshly..

"I can't just stand here and do nothing.. I can't let this happen to me. And as well as to Taehyung.
I can't marry him when i love someone else. It will hurt Taehyung more. I can't just ruin both of our life like this... And i can't let the destiny mess my life anymore. "

She walk toward her Car And sitting inside she, start the engine and speed toward where Jungkook's car went

" i will confess to Jungkook right now! And convince my father later.. I'm sure he will listen to me and accept Jungkook. Afterall he loves me so much and only wants my happiness"


"I hope you are happy now" Mr. Min sadly smile at the picture frame of Taehyung's father.

Taehyung came in his room and saw Mr. Min, looking at his father's picture.

He also teared up seeing his father's picture frame.

"Uncle Min... I mean Appa" Taehyung smile toward Mr. Min who happily put a hand on his shoulder hearing 'appa' word from Taehyung

"Dad must be happy now.. And very grateful to have a friend like you.. I never knew you guys already fixed our marriage in our childhood" Taehyung lightly chuckle making Mr. Min tense up

"uh-.. It's because i told Kim to keep it as a secret and not force his son.. afterall we can't force this on you.. Even tho we desperately wanted to turn our old friendship into a beautiful relationship like this" Mr. Min smile sweetly toward Taehyung

"and see how you both fall in love with each other.. This shows you guys are really made for each other" Mr. Min said making Taehyung cheek heat up forming a slight tint of redness.

"Now my son.. Take one month leave and start preparing for your marriage and focus on it so that you can enjoy your most beautiful moments of life"

"Appa why one month? I can't let my work-"

"shhh my son... I knew you will say that. That's why i told you focus on it and enjoy... And let your Appa take care of your work. I want my both kids to enjoy their wedding and have a grand wedding.. Which will be next week"

"Appa that's too soon" Taehyung exclaimed

"it's not soon my son.. I want you to see your wedding as soon as possible. My health condition isn't going well.. So i really wanna make you my son in law as soon as possible... Sadly kim didn't got the chance to witness his son's wedding. But i want to witness my daughter and your wedding. Then i will completely feel happy" Mr. Min said sitting tiredly on the chair

"Don't say like this Appa.. Nothing will happen to you" Taehyung got worried and hug him

'i know' Mr. Min internally said in his mind and smirk putting his head on Taehyung's shoulder


Saerin followed Jungkook's Car and frown seeing that he didn't turned his car to his house street instead he took to somewhere else.

She continued following Jungkook wondering where he's going at this hour. Late at night

Soon..after few turns.. She saw Jungkook's car park in secluded place.

As her car reach there. She saw..

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