Part- 13

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Fire Fire Fire Fire

hearing the alarm ringtone you squint your eyes before opening them. shutting the alarm off feeling energetic by starting your morning with energetic song.

You stretch your body while smiling thinking about the angelic voice of your favorite idol, but before you daydream about being lovey-dovey with your bias your phone rang signaling a call from your dad.

You sat up on your bed and accept the video call from your dad.

"hi my princess" your dad greet you from other side.

You smile instantly and greet him

"hey dad, how are you?" you ask him. looking at him sitting on a couch in a room while sipping tea and a newspaper on the side.

"I'm good, what about you? Did my princess had a good sleep? " he ask with a gentle soft voice

"yes, but i miss you dad" you pout looking at him

"aww... I'm sorry my princess i miss you too but i have to stay for atleast a month "

"Dad!! That's so long!" you almost shout hearing this, your eyes widen in shock

"i know but i can't leave the work like that"
Your dad sigh before looking at you again

"Dad i don't know why you work even after retirement. Let other officers handle it. Just because you're best at investigating they can't disturb you by asking favors all the time" you whine

"i know princess. But i taught you that nation comes first.. And I'll always serve my duty till my last breath"

Hearing this it makes you proud how your dad always devoted himself for his nation, how passionately he serves his duty even after getting retired. This always makes you happy

"i know dad. That's why you're my pride and I'm so lucky to have you as my father, I'm always proud of you dad" you smile proudly. Feeling happy that you're so lucky that you're his daughter.

"thanks princess, I'm also lucky to have you as my daughter" your dad softly smile at you

You were about to speak more when you look at the clock, your eyes widen seeing its almost time for work. You quickly turn your head to the screen and said

"dad i will talk to you later, love you bbye" you quickly hang up the phone.

When you were about to get up from the bed your phone rang again

"is everything okay princess?!" your dad ask in worried tone.

"ahh dad it's nothing i promise tae that i will have breakfast with him so I'm getting late for that"
you lied biting your tongue lightly, if you told him right now about your job then he will come all the way here, leaving everything behind there. And you don't want to disturb his work and make him tense.

"oh then okay, enjoy with your boyfriend" your dad tease

"dad he's not my boyfriend!"

"whatever you say princess, love you and take care" your dad chuckle before hanging up

You shake your head while rolling your eyes and walk toward the bathroom to get ready.


Driving through the busy street of seoul.. You were on your way to the jeon company, listening to your favorite music 'Dynamite' while jamming to it. when suddenly someone ran infront of your car.

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now