Part - 38

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Betrayel, sad, angry, upset, shock, and disbelief.. So many emotions Saerin feeling right now. As she ran to god knows where.

The only thing in her mind is how could her father do this to her?!

And without her knowing, her steps involuntary took her to the busy street.

Her mind was too fog that she unable to notice she's standing in the middle of the road.. Two headlights shone on her face making her squint her eyes and her body froze.

Jungkook ran fastly in search of Saerin, and as he came closer to the side of street. He notice a figure standing in the middle of street and a speedy car coming closer.


And then everything went in a slow motion. Her body land on the other side but to her luck she didn't feel the hard concrete street. She felt someone strong body hugging her tightly

She open her eyes slowly and glance at the figure to see Jungkook squinting his eyes in pain due to the impact his body land on the hard floor while clutching saerin tightly.

She her eyes moves to see the speedy car, crash on the side lamp post.

She stood up, worriedly look at Jungkook with her widen teary eyes.

"Jungkook are you okay?!"

Jungkook hiss in pain before standing up slowly with the help of Saerin.

He shrug her hands and glare at her.


"What if something happened to you?? Were you out of your mind now!!" Jungkook yell at her making her flinch.

Looking at her scared expression his eyes soften.

"why are you doing this to yourself?!" Jungkook said with a calm voice now while holding her both shoulders.

"didn't you once thought about me before doing this?!"

Saerin glance at Jungkook and her heart start quicken it's pace seeing the love jk has for her.

"i-im sorry" she let out with a low voice while looking down like a cute child got scold.

Jungkook quickly pulled her in hug making her body and mind fully relax.. She feel safe in his arms. She felt like she finally found her home.

"solve your problem at home!! This is a public place.. Tell your dumb wife to stay at home!" the man who's car got crush, walk out from his car to see  a lovey dovey couple hugging on street.

Jungkook soften eyes turn to deadly glare as he pull away from hug and push Rin behind him before quickly dash towards the man and held his collar

" WTF!! did you called her?!". Jungkook held his collar tightly in his fist while almost raising the man's body in air.

"Jungkook!! Leave him" Rin's eyes widen as she quickly walk up to them and hold jk's arms.

The poor man got so scared like a scared cat in a claw of a lion..
he quickly said sorry and took a chance to ran out of there leaving his crash car behind

Saerin burst into laugh as she saw the way that man ran for his live while Jungkook look at her frown

"why are you laughing Rin" Jungkook asked in a serious expression

"you scared the poor man" she said in between her laugh

"atleast it make you smile" Jungkook said when a small smile form on his lips as he see her beautiful smile.

Suddenly the atmosphere become thick in between them and they only stare at each other in silence without saying anything.

But the cars horns brought them in reality. Jungkook hold her wrist and pulled her to the nearby park

Making her sit down on the bench. He hold her hands.

"i know what you are going through. It breaks heart, getting betrayed by the person you trust the most your whole life. So Don't beat yourself for what your father did. If you confront him and shout on his face for lying.. He will either give you some fake excuses or emotionally blackmail and force you to marry your friend. You did your job as daughter but what he did isn't something a father would do.. That's why Saerin.. I have solution for this. But it will only work if you trust me. Do you believe me?? "

Jungkook glance at her with his doe eyes.

Saerin consume his all words in mind. Realizing what he said is true.. If she went to him right now he will force her marry Taehyung saying it's too late to cancel it. Just because of all this.. She can't sacrifice her whole life with someone she doesn't love..
And Beside her father the second man she ever love is Jungkook.. And looking at his eyes.. Deep gazing into his hazelnut brown orbs, she only see the passionate love for her. And the way he hold her hand tightly like he never ever will let it her go. He always secure her in his embrace tightly that shows how he is ready to fight the whole world for her and will always protect her before thinking about his own self. The way he saved her just now, almost risking own life.. How can she not trust a person who risked his life for her?

"i trust you Jungkook"

And that's how she was ready to crumble her own life by this decision of her own.


His hand crumble the card he was holding as his eyes become red in rage.

Drinking in his office he got an invitation card few minutes before that boiled his blood in anger.

" After burning my happiness you are celebrating your own".

The man threw his bottle harshly on the wall. As he flip the whole table.

Taking his gun out he walk away with only rage of Killing, running in his mind.

"i won't spare you this time.. Be Ready for your death because I'm coming"

'Vengeance is in my heart,
Death in my hand,
Blood and revenge are hammering in
My mind.'

My Sweet Revenge JK ffWhere stories live. Discover now