Part - 14

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You finally reach the office. Parking your car quickly, you rush to inside the building. Praying that Jungkook won't be in office while the elevator chim showing that u arrived at the top floor.

You huff, and took a deep breath. Calming yourself down while straightening your clothes and walk confidently on the corridor.

Looking left and right you see no trace of Mr. Jeon so you quickly jump on your seat and ready yourself acting like u were there for long and start working.

Mr. Jeon walk from elevator. He look so angry from his expression with fist tight,  jaw clenched and steady walk.

He abruptly stop at a place while side glancing at me, noticing my presence in the office. His frown angry expression turn to a big smirk. He mumble something to mr. Yang, gesturing toward me which mr. Yang responded with a nod... Jungkook gave me one last look before walking toward his cabin.


"What a pleasent surprise mr.min"

A man in police uniform greet mr. Min

After shaking hands they sat down at the bangkok small cafe

"Why you suddenly call me to meet? And what are you doing here in Thailand? "
The man asked

"well i came here for some work and i need your help for that"

"i thought you're already retired min" the man chuckle before sipping his drink.

Mr. Min lean forward and said

"i need the all info about D-chi's case. And who's handling it?"

The funny relax expression from the man change into horror hearing the name.

"are you kidding me?!" the man almost shout

Min gestured him to calm down

"you're talking about the most wanted mafia
D-chi?" he whisper yell

"yeah so tell me?"

The man gulp while looking all around and lean forward to min

"look bro that case is really serious. Don't try to put your feet on it. Or you will be no more"

Mr. Min roll eyes at him making the man to sigh and said

"a very loyal young chief officer is handling his case. That guy is so serious to his work and he is almost done half of the investigation. So there's nothing you can do in it"

Mr. Min poke his cheek with his tongue before raising his glass and taking a sip

"what's his name?"

"jason wang"


"jackson wang!" Taehyung yelled

"what?!" Jackson harshly pull the guy inside from the car and took him inside the police station.

Taehyung followed him and pull jackson on the side leaving the guy in the handle of other officers.. Gesturing them to take the guy in a room.

Taehyung turn his head toward jackson and look madly at him.

"why you arrested him Jackson?" Tae asked

"because he is the murderer, he killed own father" jackson let out greeting his teeths

Taehyung sigh before looking at Jackson again and hold both his shoulders in hands

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