Part - 39

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Here Saerin was, dressing up in a big luxurious dressing room for her wedding..

Straight face and mind running with full of thoughts. While few make up artist and stylist are busy dolling her up for her big day.

One staff doing her hairs, one putting on her diamond jewelries, one fixing her dress and vail and one doing touch up make up on her face

Since she came late last night after meeting Jungkook.. Her mind was consumed with his words.. Now the decision is in her hand.

Her mind is still playing games of what to choose.. She is getting frustrated over it. But no matter what.. She has to take a decision as soon as possible... Or else so many lives will get ruined

That's why thinking all night and couldn't getting a glimpse of sleep.. She made the decision. But still her heart and mind fighting over what will be result of her decision that she choose.

It's like a choosing a life and death situation for her...

While looking at her mom's picture after so long. She teared up asking her mother mentally, what she choose without hurting anyone.. What she choose?? Asking her mother for such a hard decision of life. She wish if her mother was here she would have helped her by now.. But sadly....

'please eomma help me. What should i choose please give me a signal'

And that's when a blink sound of message tune appeared on her phone at the same time as the knock on the door...

But her eyes first went to her phone.. Seeing the name appeared on the message notification... She now decided what she need to choose... Changing the old decision of hers.

And accepting this as her mother's signal as well as her heart decision as it won succeeding over her mind..

She took her phone in hand while replied to the message. At the same time the footsteps walk closed to her.

The person stand behind her and called her name.. But it was too late.. Cause she already click on the send button and turn around to see...


Seeing her in his choice bridal dress, Taehyung gasp feeling overwhelmed

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Seeing her in his choice bridal dress, Taehyung gasp feeling overwhelmed. His heart beat quicken.. He just wanna froze this moment and wants to admire his soon to be wife forever like this.. And without his knowledge, a few drop of happy tears welled up in his eyes. Which he blink aqay in seconds while smiling wholeheartedly.

 Which he blink aqay in seconds while smiling wholeheartedly

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