Part - 7 {2}

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It's past one hour since i last call her but she's taking too much time to come.

I sigh. Sitting in my room, Waiting for byeol to come. i called her one hour ago to help me but as always she is late.

I was about to give up and get ready on my own when she suddenly burst into my room

"heyyo my bestie" she jump on me and engulf me in hug

"finally you came" i push her gently and hold her to drag her in my walking closet.

"wae wae..?! Why this room is so messy with scattered clothes and where are you taking me"

"I need your help to choose a dress for me"

I showed her 20 dresses that i choose but still confused over which one to pick.

"woahh!! What's happening my love? It's my first time seeing you like this so confuse over a dress??.. Where are you going huh?"

Byeol hold my both shoulder, giving her weirdo look.

"i...". Before i speak she as always interrupted me

"don't tell me you're going on a date!!"
She suddenly started jumping already assuming what i wanna say

"It's not a date! It's just... Its just returning a favor?" i myself confuse over what it is. Because this is the first time i feel kinda excited over a coffee date-- i mean coffee meeting.

"oh shut up bish! Your blush all over your face says alot" she push me gently, while smiling so hugely and walking toward the closet full of dresses.

"you have like tons of dresses and still you need my help. Your all dresses are pretty that's why i like to wear your dresses alot"

She look in awe examining every dresses.

"half of clothes here you didn't even touch.. Why not wear one of them hmm?" she pick out few new dresses that my dad bought from different countries whenever he went to overseas he always buys me something including tons of dresses that i didn't even wore yet but how much i stop him to not do, he doesn't listen.. He loves to spoil me.

"waahh.. This dresses look so pretty.. Let me try it" she took 5-6 dresses and started putting them on herself while admiring ownself on the big mirror

"yeah it looks good on you but byeol you try this dress later.. First help me here"

"Okay okay fine" she half heartedly put those dresses on their places and walk toward me.

"i think this all dresses wont suit you for today so Let's go for shopping in the mall. You need a brand new dress"
She push forward me to the room exit not even listening to me.

"byeol no! I already have so many dresses. Cant we choose from one of these?"
I try to stop her but the stubborn she is keep pushing me till we reach the living room.

"oh cmon.. You're not getting poor if you buy one more dress and your dad will be happy to hear that you're choosing an expensive dress by yourself"

"byeol, it's not about that. Why waste money on new dress when i have almost 52 new dresses already.. And there's not much place in my closet for more dresses now"

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