Part - 43

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Jungkook threw his phone in frustration as he sat on his library room's chair.

"he can't die like this!! He has to pay a biggest price for every crimes he did to me and all the people!"

Moving his hairs back he sigh while thinking about the situation. He needs to do something. He has to do something! He can't let Min die like this. Untill he get his revenge complete. He won't feel satisfied till he see that disgusting monster completely destroyed infront of him.

"the monster like you deserve a slow drop of ocean rich pain everyday. And I'll make sure to drown you in that ocean with a most painful way possible that you will beg for mercy"

As he was busy in his thoughts, Saerin entered the library room. She hiss lil as her foot land on the broken phone of Jungkook

She look down in frown as she took the phone in her hand and ask Jungkook

"Jungkook what happened to your phone?" she asked innocently

Jungkook didn't expected her appearance in the room. His eyes turn cold as he see her standing infront of him.

"WtF you are doing here?! Didn't i told you to not come here!" Jungkook growl suddenly making Saerin flinch due to his outburst.

"J-Jungkook??" she look at him in question as she didn't expected Jungkook to talk to her like this. Especially on their wedding night.

Jungkook roll his eyes as he stood up and snatch his phone from her hands before looking at her with his cold gaze.

"lock the doors and don't come here again"

He said as he walk outside to downstairs

She look at him disbelief as she follow him behind

"Jungkook where are you going?!" she almost shout in bewildered state

Jungkook turn his head as he was about to open the main door

"going out. So you go and sleep. I will come back soon" he said and without waiting for her reply he walk outside

"Jungkook! Jungkook! How can you leave me like this??" she ran towards the door as she shout at him, expecting him to stop and come back to her.

Her eyes form tears as she saw Jungkook's car speeding out and disappearing from her site.

"it's supposed to be our wedding night"

Saerin sadly mumble as a tear roll down her eyes seeing the totally unexpected and opposite persona of Jungkook that she never witnessed before.


After witnessing the scene infront of him, Taehyung raise his gun as he walk closely towards the culprit

"leave the doctor or else I will shoot you"  Taehyung said as he look at jimin holding his girlfriend's both hands locked back tightly with his one while his other hand held a knife!

Jimin eyes turn red while tears almost formed in his eyes as he shook his head lightly toward his girlfriend signaling her to stay quiet.

Dr. Hana's face turn into emotional as she look at her boyfriend saving her from the crime she was about to commit.

Tears stream down her face as she look at him, not wanting her boyfriend to take the blame and get arrested for the crime she was about to do.

Jimin held her tightly as he turn his face expression to hard as he look at the officer Taehyung

"don't come near or i will kill her" jimin said with his deep husky voice which made Taehyung halt in his steps.

"leave her or else your sentence in the jail will be double" Taehyung gave the warning to him without moving his gun away.

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