Part - 11

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"boss we found out all the details about min saerin"

"good" the men smirk and speak again

"put your eyes on her 24/7 and give me every single details about her"

"okay boss... But boss do you want us to kill her now?" another men asked

"Not now.. Just keep a watch on her. And give me every details about her Then I'll tell you what we should do to her" the boss smirk


Kim Taehyung arrived in the busy black market of the city. To find more clue about the victim.

"Half of you go to the left and others to the right" Taehyung turn behind him and order his team officers

"and Jackson you come with me" Taehyung order and load his gun and hide it in his back pocket.

They both walk toward the underground bar

"Taehyung do you really think that old man used to work here" jackson pinch his nose because of the unpleasant smell of smoke, alcohol and drugs inside the bar.

"I'm very much sure jack. And don't call me by my name, we are on duty idiot" Taehyung slap the back of head of Jackson aka his friend & also a police officer

"okay sir" Jackson mocked and roll his eyes at him. While they both entered inside the bar and went toward the bar counter.

"yo man what do you like to have?" a bartender with full of tattoos and eyebrow piercing asked Taehyung

Taehyung lean down on the counter and whispered

"two raspberry mocktail"

The bartender's expression changed hearing this. He turn around and walk toward the door on his right side, opening the door. He signal Taehyung to follow him behind

"eww i don't like raspberry mocktail you should have asked me before ordering" jackson made a disgust face

"shut up and follow me" Taehyung said and walk inside the door with Jackson following him behind who just sneakily grab the can of beer and hide in his pocket.

A room filled with mens drinking and smoking while playing cards on the pool table.

The bartender walk closer to a men who was sitting on the middle table. While a women sitting on his lap.

The bartender lean to his ear and whispered something before they both look at Taehyung who was standing few feets away from them.

The middle age men push the women from his lap and walk toward Taehyung showing his arms full of tattoos, a cigarette on his lips. And big scar mark on his face.

"how much you want?" the middle age men asked in Chinese

"And who send you here?"

Taehyung smirk, putting his one hand on his waist while tilting his head. He deadly glare at him before punching hard on his face and locking him in one arm while putting the gun on his temple

Seeing this choas, all people in the room scream, the mens who were playing cards before held out their guns, ready to fire at Taehyung. But they stop seeing Taehyung's gun already on their boss's head

Jackson quickly called the officers here with his Bluetooth earpiece. He push forward his gun toward the mens and said in Chinese

"Do not move bishes! Before my chingu right here fry your lil boss head"

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