Part - 59

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Anger and irritation was clearly visible on Jungkook's face as he immediately broke the handshake of saerin and yoongi.

"Hi Mr. Yoongi, I'm jeon Jungkook"

Jungkook said with forced smile as he shake yoongi's hand

"nice to meet you Mr. Jeon... Now we will meet more"

Yoongi said with a smug look, which confused Jungkook

"yeah Mr. Jeon, I forgot to tell.. My friend yoongi will handle this deal with you since he owns most of shares in my company and i trust him more than myself"

Mr. Richard said with a friendly smile as he put his arm around yoongi

"What?! Mr. Richard you can't do this... I mean.. The deal is between you and me.. And You came all the way here from france to open new branches in korea"

Mr. Richard chuckle before saying

"Mr. Jeon the deal is between companies. And my company's korean branch will be handle by yoongi now"

"don't worry it will be easy to work with yoongi for you. He's very friendly"

Mr. Richard smile toward both of them and took leave saying

"Mr. Jeon Send the deal documents to yoongi, my flight to france is in a hour so i have to leave"

Yoongi internally laugh seeing the shock face of Jungkook

"it's gonna be fun to work with you... Mr. Jeon"


"it's a hell to work with you... Penguin!"

Eunwoo irritatedly said as he cook kimchi jiggae early in the morning for hana.. After she fainted last night at the door. When he arrived. He quickly took her inside and now after gaining consciousness the pregnant lady craved for kimchi jiggae

" oh cmon.. Eunwoo i always used to cook for you when you do late night shifts.. Can't you repay your best colleague"

Hana said as she stroke her belly while looking at eunwoo struggling to make food

Eunwoo roll his eyes and bend down to the level of hana's belly while point finger at it

"tell your mother to crave for food during open restaurants hours.. Not early in the freaking morning!"

Hana twist eunwoo's finger and slightly push him back

"yah! don't talk like this with my baby mochi"


"yah! Why aren't you talking to me, Kookie"

Saerin whine sitting at passenger seat while looking at Jungkook who's driving car silently

"don't call me kookie"

Jungkook said in cold voice without looking at her and focus on front road

"Finally you responded"

Saerin said as she sigh and put her hand on the back of Jungkook's hand

"are you tense about that man?"

Saerin carefully asked.. Since she sensed Jungkook's sudden change behavior after meeting min yoongi

"which man??"

Jungkook asked

"you don't have to pretend Kook. I know after meeting min yoongi your behaviour suddenly already knew him before right?.. You can share your problems with me"

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