Chapter 2 - MIU

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Juna surveyed the ginger man closely as he rang up her item. His white teeth gleamed merrily behind his plump lips with every word he said, his nose had a slight bump on the bridge and his eyes sparkled with passion for his work.
She wasn't particularly listening as he carried on about fireworks and their other products. She nodded and smiled every now and then to portray interest.

He stopped and looked up at her, waiting for payment. Juna pulled out her purse and produced 3 galleons with a smile, which he took before bagging her purchase. What she was going to do with a box of fireworks, she had no idea. But she had felt inclined to know this Weasley.

"Here you are Miss... uh Cove." He grinned at her, remembering her 'name'.

Reaching out, Juna took the bag - ensuring to graze his fingers with her own. She wanted George to remember her.
With a wink she pulled the bag to her side and sashayed toward the door, knowing full well his eyes were on her.

Juna was well aware she was a beautiful woman. She often used it to her advantage in her line of work.
She was long legged and tall, with long, wavy blonde hair that came to the top of her hips and sparkling bright blue eyes. Her body was toned and fit from her hours of training, but she had curves exactly where she needed them.
At 22 years old she had never had a boyfriend. Her family, nor the MIU (Magical Intelligence Unit), ever allowed her to. However this never stopped her from having non-committal fun with anyone who tickled her fancy enough. 

A small smile found its way to her face as she walked along the cobbled streets of Diagon Alley, glancing in  this window and that, perusing the goods each store boasted. She enjoyed meeting new people for the most part and she certainly enjoyed meeting George, no matter how fleeting. She knew he was there now.

Juna never got the privilege of going to Hogwarts like everyone else. She was born into a family that had one purpose - to serve the MIU. It was there that she was privately tutored by some of the brightest and most talented witches and wizards in Europe, Some of these even included ex-death eaters and dark wizards, so that she could learn what spells may be used against her and how to block them, as well as cast them.

Her mother and her father were magical and were high up agents for the company. From the day Juna was born, she was trained to become a deadly machine, always one step ahead of any undesirable's and unafraid of having to hurt or kill anyone she was ordered to.

Of course, Juna was incredibly stubborn and strong willed. She refused to let them beat the humanity and emotions out of her like they wanted.
Having never had a real childhood where she got to play and have friends, she had to find areas in which she could rebel.
Recently she had gotten her parents riled up at the decision to purchase her own flat, a short distance from Diagon Alley.
They were aghast, as they have lived nowhere else as a family but in the small housing compound the MIU had onsite for their employees. It was not mandatory the employees lived there, it was only for their convenience and safety. There was never other children there or anyone other than adults 10+ years older than her. She grew bored and lonely.

2 months ago she had seen a flyer outside of Gringotts advertising a block of luxury flats for sale. The idea had instantly sprung to mind, knowing it would stir up her parents as well as get her the hell out of there. She didn't need their help, Juna got paid extremely well for the highly hazardous and potentially lethal work she did. She wasted no time putting in an offer she knew the sellers couldn't refuse.

And now she walked into her very own home, small but cosy. She placed the bag with the fireworks on the marble bench-top of her kitchen island before collapsing into her plush, grey couch.
She gazed out over the rooftops of the world below her, the Spring sky casting soft rays of sunshine in through the large windows, warming her body.

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