Chapter 72 - Split Skin

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T.W: Blood, Death and Physical Violence.

Juna looked around wildly at everyone around her who had dropped to the ground and remained there, unmoving. Her eyes fell to George and Fred sprawled out next to each other and panic made bile rise in her throat.

"What the fuck did you do to them?" She cried, turning back to face Perseus who grinned wickedly.

Even Audrey had fallen beside him, but he didn't seem concerned as he held the vial tightly. This made her heart flutter briefly with hope - he wouldn't have hurt her... right?

"I didn't realise this was your father. I should have know really... Piercing blue eyes, like they look right through me. What your heritage? German? Maybe Swedish?" Perseus gazed intrigued at Mace, who stood looking completely baffled yet entirely enraged.

"Why are we still standing when everyone else is... whatever this is?" Juna tried to keep her voice steady as she gestured at the bodies around her.

"Blood magic. I knew you'd play hard to get-"

Juna cut him off with a scoff.
"You mean we beat you and your cronies despite being outnumbered, so you decided to cheat?"

"Not sure if you've noticed, but I'm the one that's outnumbered now."

He didn't look bothered by the fact, his smirk was growing bigger by the second and it made Juna incredibly nervous. What was the purpose of this?

"That may be so, but you're using blood magic. It's also fucking illegal."

"You think I care about the ridiculous rules you and the Auror's attempt to enforce?" He laughed, the shield he still held in-front of him rippled slightly.

At this point, Juna didn't know who it was buying time - her or Perseus.

"I'm guessing my blood is in that vial, along with yours." She said.

"Correct. However, I didn't realise that by using your blood, it would automatically include your father. I suppose the same blood runs through each of your veins, it makes sense."

"How'd you even get my blood?"

Perseus gestured lazily at her stomach. Juna's hand unconsciously went to the scar that crossed her abdomen and she made a disgusted face.

"So giving me this scar gave you access to my blood?"

"Momentarily. I had to work fast, hence why I disappeared so quickly after inflicting it upon you." He paced for a few steps before smiling. "Ah, the beauty of dark magic." He said wistfully.

"Can you get it over with? Whatever you're building up to? I have prior engagements" Mace snarled.

"Just as impatient as your daughter." Perseus tutted.

He looked at Mace for a long while, then at Juna. All three people stood still and stiff as if preparing to jump at a moments notice. Juna had to agree with Mace, this was getting boring. Either Perseus was scared of what was to come, or he truely was just enjoying taunting them, knowing he likely had the upper hand.

Without warning, Perseus begun to squeeze the vial he held in his hand. His arm shook with the effort and Juna thought she was imagining the burning sensation in her fingertips. But then her chest seemed to contract and she struggled to suck in air. Mace was experiencing the same, but Juna hardly noticed as she clawed at her throat confused and panicked.

With a Cheshire grin, Perseus squeezed one last time and the vial smashed in his hand. Glass clattered to the ground and oozed out of his hand from the cuts that split his skin, mixing with the blood from the vial that now dripped down his arm and onto the ground.

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