Chapter 50 - Warm Bodies

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TW: there will be mentions of mental health issues in the next few chapters. If this topic makes you uncomfortable, please stop reading.


Nausea wracked Juna's body like a wave as her feet hit the wooden floor hard, causing her knees to buckle and making her stagger to regain her footing. Apparating hungover had never been smart. She clutched her stomach while she waited for the ill feeling to pass, hoping she wasn't about to throw up on her shoes.

"I thought you were going to work?" Came a voice from the kitchen.

"Sent me home, again."

"Again? Uh... can I do anything?"

"Yeah, you can get out of my house."
Juna sighed as she sat heavily on the brown leather couch in front of an ash-filled fireplace with a large lump of un-burnt wood on top.

"Oh right. Sure... um, I'll just get my clothes."

Juna didn't know this guys name. She had gone out drinking at some bar and brought him home to keep her bed warm and stop her from being alone. It was a common thing for her these days.
It was just over two months since her and George had parted ways outside the hospital after rescuing Fred. They had not seen each other since.

"Incendio" She pointed her wand shakily at the fireplace and lit a fresh fire.

Winter had well and truely set in now, snow was beginning to fall across the landscape and if Juna ever bothered to appreciate it, the outlook was really very beautiful.
She realised quite quickly that she had to move - at least temporarily - to put distance between her and the twins, as well as their friends. Hermione kept trying to come by and try her luck pressing the buzzer to be let up, at which point Juna would apparate away immediately. George didn't come over, but he sent letters and she simply couldn't take it anymore. She made the mistake of reading one, giving an update on Fred. The guilt was too much for her to bear.

Fred now suffered from severe PTSD and anxiety, one of his fingers had been so badly broken that it had to be amputated and he experienced shoulder pain that often debilitated him. George said that he has potions of all sorts to help him cope with it all and he said he hoped Fred would return to himself very soon.
Juna knew that the magical world was adept at healing people with all kinds of physical and mental issues and injuries. Fred's shoulder pain would likely disappear quickly with the help of potions, perhaps even the anxiety would diminish soon. But the PTSD was going to be somewhat of a challenge and the missing finger certainly wouldn't grow back. She had no one to blame for all that but herself.

Juna stared blankly into the roaring fire from where she was slouched back into the couch. She barely registered the guy she had fucked a few hours ago bidding her goodbye and apparating away.
The silence around the wooden cabin rang in her ears. It was a small but very cosy place that she was renting off a muggle couple who lived in France and only used this cabin as a holiday house when they came back to the UK to visit their children.
The inside was all a dark mahogany wood decorated with other dark and somewhat homely furniture and decorations, with large windows on nearly every wall. It was nestled on the side of a hill on the outskirts of London where all she could see where big green trees, not a person in sight. She had also put as many protection spells around the place as she could, with fear of Perseus finding her and completing his spell.

This was not the first time in these two months that Juna had been sent home from the MIU for being hungover. Jack was starting to get incredibly irritated at her and Bane was begging her to pull her head in, but she couldn't seem to be able to do it. Why should she try? She couldn't leave the MIU and they weren't going to kick her out or kill her, so she figured she didn't have to try at anything.

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