Chapter 69 - The Night Before

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The last few days of intense training had taken a toll on George, as well as Fred too judging by how much he complained. Juna however, was effortless in how she moved. Granted, she had been doing this for many years, but she hardly seemed to break a sweat. Every morning at 9am when they met her at the phone box to enter the MIU, she was just as full of energy as the day before while he and Fred were gingerly massaging their muscles. How they would be able to fight Dark Wizards when they could hardly move was beyond him. George fell into an exhausted sleep every night to the sound of Bane barking orders ringing in his head.

Tonight Juna was coming over for dinner. She would eat with them and then stay the night to be ready for when Ara arrived in the morning with the location. George was flitting about the kitchen, wanting everything to be perfect. Bane thought it was important to 'carb-load' so he was cooking a huge batch of Spaghetti Bolognese. It wasn't the fanciest meal, but it was carb rich and had plenty of veggies.

"Would you chill, mate? You're reminding me of mum." Fred raised an eyebrow at him from a stool as George stirred and chopped and fussed over the meal.

"It just... has to be perfect."

"Why? It's not your last night on earth."

George paused and looked up at his twin. For all they knew, one or more of them might not make it out tomorrow. He couldn't help but let the intrusive thoughts in, it's all he could think about lately.

Would one of them be hurt?

Would one of them have to kill someone?

Would Perseus land the last curse on Juna?

Would one of them be killed?

The questions rattled around his head like ping pong ball's. Only seeing Juna would quiet them and even then, it was only for a moment. Because then he would look at her, really look at her - the woman he loved, and become terrified he may never see her again.

George was shaken out of his thoughts by a knock at the door. He wiped his hands quickly on his apron and swatted Fred away from the door so he could open it himself. He fixed a smile and yanked it open.

"Juna, how are you?" He kissed her cheek before ushering her inside.

"I'm fine thanks. Yourself?"

She looked slightly nervous, but before George could read any more of her expression - it was gone, shoved back behind her imaginary walls to leave nothing but a blank slate.

"Ah... good. All the better for seeing you." He gave her a cheeky smile while they looked at each other.

"I'm fine too, thanks for asking." Fred said from the stool at the kitchen island.

"Yes, hello Fred." Juna rolled her eyes but laughed. "Smells great in here."

George beamed and moved back to the kitchen to give the sauce another stir.
"I'm doing what Bane said! Carbs. Lots and lots of carbs."

Juna smiled and walked around to stand next to him, peering around his arm to look at the food.
"Wow, looks amazing! I love pasta, it's always my go to meal - mainly because of Bane." She chuckled.

George stirred the sauce again, lifting the wooden spoon up with a bit of sauce on the end and held it out to her.
"Try?" He prompted.

Juna blew on the steaming sauce before tasting it.
"Mmm! That's fucking good, George!"

"Well shit, I asked for a taste before and you nearly hexed me!" Fred scoffed, clearly offended.

George rolled his eyes and held the spoon out for Fred who in turn pulled a disgusted face.

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