Chapter 67 - Tactics

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Juna felt something move next to her and she shot upright, her hands flying around her to grasp her wand. It took her a moment of rapid blinking to realise she was still at The Burrow. Light flooded through the windows, clinking and chopping came from the kitchen and George was lying beside her looking alarmed.

"Chill, Juna. It's just me." He said slowly, raising a hand in surrender. He looked between her face and her wand that was pointed menacingly at him.

"Oh... shit. I'm so sorry." She mumbled. Lowering her wand with embarrassment. She shifted to lay back beside George as he wrapped his arms around her. "Fuck off, Fred." She added casually as she closed her eyes.

"Wha- how the fuck did you know I was here?" Fred piped up from behind the couch.

"I can sense your creepy energy a mile away." She stated matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, whatever." He said sulkily. "You two want coffee?"

"Yes please!" Juna and George chorused.

"Cool. I'll have a cup too." Fred sat down heavily in an armchair like he had just had a really hard day.

"You're such a twat." George grumbled, throwing a pillow at Fred's head.

He stretched and moved over the top of Juna to get off the couch, but not before pressing a sleepy kiss to her cheek.

Fred moved from the armchair and shoved Juna's legs out of the way to sit down.
"You two didn't fuck on this couch, did you?" He asked with a suspicious look.

"Yeah, loads of times." Juna rolled her eyes.

"Well see, I know that's a lie because George isn't cut out to go loads of times, like me." He smiled to himself and got comfortable.

"I can tell you with first hand experience that that's not true, Fred. We have fucked all over your flat... oh and your shop. All in one night."

Fred's face was the picture of disgust.
"You're lying."

Juna winked at him and wiggled her eyebrows.
"I most certainly am not."

Just then, George got back with three mugs of steaming coffee. He handed one to Juna and one to Fred who took it carefully, trying not to make contact with George's skin.

"The pair of you make me sick." He said as he moved away from Juna and back to his original armchair. "I came in here to have a pleasant conversation with my brother and my friend and now I want to hurl."

"What'd you do to him?" George laughed as he took the spot next to Juna that Fred had just vacated.

"Just told him how many times we've had hot, passionate, delicious sex." She took a sip and gazed at Fred over the rim as George laughed again.

The banter between the three carried on into the morning as more people sleepily came down the stairs and joined them while Molly cooked breakfast. Juna had offered her help with the preparation but Molly had shooed her out of the kitchen.

Bill hadn't left his room at all, not even when breakfast was ready. The rest of the family plus Juna and Harry ate at the table and gorged themselves on eggs, bacon, toast, roasted tomatoes, buttery mushrooms and cups of tea and coffee.

After breakfast, everyone went about their own day. A few of them played a few rounds of exploding snap before Fred and George offered Juna a tour of their property to which she excitedly accepted. She had taken in some of the surroundings yesterday while she had her stress cigarette, but turns out there's a lot more to see.

The twins showed her Arthur's shed, filled with muggle bits and bobs, some left alone, others charmed to do things they weren't designed to do. Like a stone bird bath that turned into a human bath when it's rim was tapped a certain way.

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