Chapter 37 - Rebound

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George couldn't fathom what he'd just walked into. Juna surely couldn't be seducing his own brother?
He looked from her to Charlie and back again. Charlie looked confused and alarmed, yet Juna looked smug.

"You were going to fuck my brother?"

"Oh give it a rest, George." She scoffed, her hand still resting on Charlie's back. "As if I could have known he was your bloody brother."

George knew she was right, while they had the same coloured hair, they really didn't look that similar. What hurt him most was that she wanted to sleep with other people at all. What they had had between each other was something George had never wanted to end, he didn't plan on ending it but she had been the one to call it off. Even though it was kind of his fault, to this day he didn't know why his ex - Ara, had wandered into the shop and begun cracking onto him. She was beautiful, kind and funny, but they had ended it for a reason.

"I can't believe this."
George had to look away from Juna's emotionless face, she showed no sign of regret. In fact, she showed no sign of anything at all.

"George." Charlie had finally recovered himself enough to speak. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea you and Juna were seeing each other, if I had known-"

"I know Charlie." George cut him off. "I don't blame you."

"So you blame me. Blame me for wanting consensual sex with a hot stranger?" She rolled her eyes.
"We aren't even seeing each other. I don't get what the big deal is."

"I thought you broke things off because it was getting complicated, that it would never work?"

"That's correct."

George wrinkled his forehead.
"Yet here you are sleeping other people?"

"No shit. I'm not dating them, George! I'm fucking them. Two very, very different things."

He snorted with fake amusement, a sudden rage boiling in his veins.
"You're so fucked up, Juna. You don't see how self-centred you really are."

"You're right, I am self-centred." She said simply.

"You're fake and I don't know what I ever saw in you. You sleep around and hope it'll fill some void in your heart, using people and pushing them aside like it's nothing at all. You're horrible and vile." He spat.

His heart sank as he spoke these words. He didn't mean it, the anger inside was forcing its way out of his body through his words. Juna's eyes had narrowed and she had stood up from the stool she sat on.

"You're lying." She smiled coldly as she came closer to his face.
"I know what I saw in you." She was whispering now so nobody else could hear. "If I had it my way, I would never fuck anyone else again. Nor would you. If I had it my way, I wouldn't be who I am right now. You think you hate me now George, but nobody hates me more than myself."
She stepped back and turned to Charlie.
"Sorry to place you in the middle of this, I stand by what I said - you're hot and I would take you home. We may meet again."
She started for the door.
"Oh, hi and goodbye - Ron, Fred." She nodded sharply at an open mouthed Ron and a smirking Fred before disappearing through the door.

"What the bloody hell-"

"Shut up Ron." George snapped as he sat on the stool Juna had just vacated.
"Four Ale's please." He told the barman.

He put his head in his hands and closed his eyes. The imagine of Juna's gorgeous face swam in his minds eye. If it wasn't over before, it sure was now.

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