Chapter 71 - Onslaught

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"Audrey?" Juna's voice was flat, but shock, betrayal and raw anger flowed through her body like a tidal wave.

She looked older. More lines had etched their way onto her soft skin and she seemed thinner, yet healthy. She wasn't a hostage, she wasn't being mistreated. Juna could hardly wrap her head around the fact that the only woman she had ever trusted and found companionship in, was a backstabbing dog. Playing wife to Perseus no less. How could no one at the MIU have suspected anything?

"Oh, little dove, how you've grown!" The older woman said softly, her eyes dragging across Juna with a small smile, but neither of them moved.

"You don't get to speak." Juna seethed, finally finding her voice.

The smile faltered on Audreys face and she looked sideways at Perseus as if looking for direction. The look on his face was that of gloating, smug and amused. He had this ace up his sleeve for years and no doubt he had been dying to play it.

"What did you do to her?" Juna demanded at him. Not wanting to believe she had done this of her own free will. "I thought she was dead?"

Perseus laughed with glee.
"I did nothing to her. She sought me out, joined me and fell in love with me all on her own."

"Impossible." Juna breathed, her grasp tightening on her wand.

"She was never dead. Did you see her die? Did you ever see her body, cold and lifeless?"

She thought back, back to the night she thought she had lost Audrey forever. It was the night Juna still hadn't forgiven Jack for letting Audrey come along. She didn't understand why they let her come.
There was a battle, everyone was busy stuck in a duel with someone. Juna had killed her mark and then another, before turning her attention to Perseus who had smiled at her with a self-satisfied smirk. She had called for Audrey, screamed her name, ran around searching and panicked until his cold voice had cut through her fog. "She's dead." He had said and Juna had forgotten anything that happened after that.


Perseus shrugged at Juna.
"Why not? You lot bored her. She craved excitement and intrigue. Not to be cooped up in the dungeon you kept her in, good for nothing but filing paperwork."

Audrey was looking at the ground sheepishly, her hands clasped tightly together. Perseus slung an arm lazily around her waist and she turned beet red, turning her doe eyes up to gaze at the man next to her. She looked... in love. Infatuation oozed from every move she made and every look she gave. It was unsettling.

"It's true." Audrey spoke, timid as a mouse. "I wanted more. I begged Jack and Mace and anyone who would listen - including you! Begged you all to let me become an agent, train with Bane, become a healer - anything! But they would not allow it. I was bored, restless, losing my best years to that soul-sucking Unit." A glint of fire lit behind her eyes. "I decided to find Perseus myself. It wasn't hard, I had access to all the paperwork, all the recourses the MIU had. I didn't know what I had planned to do - fight him, fuck him, kill him, join him. I wasn't sure, but what I did know is I wanted something. Something that wasn't filing papers at the MIU."

"Is it the Imperius Curse?" George whispered in Juna's ear. She had almost forgot Fred and George stood behind her ready to fight. "Love potion?"

Juna didn't respond, she narrowed her eyes at Audrey and Perseus who both smiled.

"I didn't need to curse her or put her under any sort of potion to get her to switch sides." Perseus said proudly.

"You know my father, Juna." Audrey prompted her.

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