Chapter 21 - Kebab

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Having sex in a library probably wasn't the most moral thing they could have done, but George and Juna couldn't keep their hands off each other.
A few books cascaded down around them as George pushed her back against a bookcase with passion. Their lips explored one another with familiarity and excitement, taking turns trailing from the lips to the neck and back again.

"Is having sex in public what we do now?" George laughed through breaths as Juna sucked at his neck, remembering the time in the cafe bathroom.

"We can stop whenever you like, George." She mumbled into his warm skin.

"Not a chance."

He gripped her thighs and hoisted her up onto his hips, their lips colliding once more with intensity. Juna could feel his erection pressing against her underwear and smirked into their kiss. George stumbled a few steps back to an arm chair where he carefully sat, bringing Juna with him to straddle his legs.

"Really hope the owner doesn't hear us... or see us." He muttered.

"We best stay quiet then, hmm?"

George nodded eagerly, placing a hand on her hips helping her scoot closer to him. He wasted no time moving one hand to the front of her underwear and moved it in slow circles, revelling in the the signs of Juna's pleasure. Her back arched slightly, unconsciously pressing herself harder onto his hand while she gently took his lip between her teeth.

"You're so fucking beautiful, Juna." He whispered into her kiss.
"And wet, you're also soaking wet."

"That's what you do to me." She whispered back.

Without another word, George moved the fabric to the side and slid a finger up and down her slit before rubbing small circles around her most sensitive spot, giving her the pressure she so desperately wanted.
Juna's hands ran through his red hair and gripped it tight as she fought to control the volume of her pleasure.

"I want you inside me."
Juna removed a hand from his hair and moved it to the front of his trousers, running her fingers over his evident erection.

George didn't move his fingers from her clit, continuing to trace small circles that made her breath hitch.
Still struggling to remain quiet, Juna distracted herself by unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers. She slid her hand down the front and into the waistband of his boxers, her small hand grasping his large length and pulling it free of his clothes.

They both paused and surveyed each other's faces for a moment, mutual passion and want displaying over each of their features. Juna raised her other hand and smoothed George's hair from his eyes before pressing her lips to his again. Their tongues danced together, wrestling for dominance while Juna raised herself up, positioning the head of George's cock at her entrance. She began to lower herself slowly as she adjusted to the size as she always had to do, his head fell back against the back of the armchair, his mouth open in a silent moan but never taking his eyes off her.

Juna bit her lip to stop any sounds escaping her as intense pleasure filled her body. Slowly she started moving, raising her hips and lowering them over and over again, both of their eyes glued to the other.
She loved to watch the ecstasy etched on George's face, his eyebrows furrowed but eyes somewhat lazy, his lips parted and his jaw hanging slightly. The muscles in his arms and chest twitched as they gripped her thighs and hips and arse, wanting to sink himself into every inch of her.

The world fell away as they fucked on this armchair in the middle of a library, the threat of someone seeing them not even a factor in their minds anymore. They were consumed with lust and pleasure as their hands traversed across each other's bodies, the want ballooning inside them only increasing with the frustration of each other still being fully clothed.

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