Chapter 63 - The Burrow

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Ara had come back from her short meeting with Perseus with nothing. If she was to be believed, he only wanted an update on her atrocities toward George and how Juna was reacting. Ara embellished the truth slightly, saying how she still had George whenever she wanted him and Juna was red with rage and jealousy - which wasn't incorrect. That's exactly what was happening up until a few days ago when they had pulled Ara to their 'side'. Either way, it pleased Perseus.

Fred had muttered his anger in Ara's direction as she sheepishly admitted she had learned nothing new, only the location of the meeting - being in a field by a school. It changed every time to somewhere inconsequential - meaning that was useless information too.

George didn't dwell on that failure for long, he wasn't even thinking about the fact that they planned to take Perseus on in less than 2 weeks time. Instead, his thoughts were flooded with excitement, nerves and fear for Juna to spend Christmas with his family at The Burrow tomorrow.

He packed, unpacked and re-packed his things, growing frustrated with the way his shirts didn't quite match his trousers or the sweaters he chose seemed to clash with his shoes. He needed it to all be just right.

He and Fred would be heading to the house tonight and Juna was to meet them there early in the morning. He had told Fred that Juna would be joining them, he had even told Harry who was spending the holidays with them. Tonight he would have to break it to the rest of the family, all of whom had different takes on what they thought of Juna. They didn't know everything, but what they did know is that she was who Perseus was after when Fred got taken. Some took that news better than others.

A knock on George's bedroom door shook him out of his rampant and currently negative imagination.
"You ready?" Fred poked his head around the door.

George sighed.
"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Don't stress, mate. I'm sure it will be fine."

George cocked an eyebrow at his brother, silently challenging that statement. Fred only smiled crookedly and disappeared again.

A short while later they had floo'd into The Burrow and landed firmly in the tight grip of their mother, Molly.
"My boys!" She cried, hugging them tightly.

The twins hugged her back, making small talk as they were ushered into the dining room where Arthur - their father, and sibling all sat drinking Hot Chocolate. Ginny, Ron, Percy, Charlie and Bill all shouted greetings and waved as they entered. Harry sat next to Ginny, giving George a nod that only they knew had a deeper meaning.

"How's the shop going? Strong as ever after the re-opening?" Arthur boomed happily.

"Yeah." Fred nodded. "Everything's going smoothly, the new products are flying out the door in time for Christmas."

"Wonderful!" Arthur smiled, pleased as they all were that Fred was coming back to his old self.
No one but George and Fred knew it was largely thanks to Juna though. George filed that piece of information away for later if things went south.

They all chatted and settled down to a hearty meal prepared by Molly, who seemed to be chuffed to the gills that she was able to feed her entire family a meal, just like old times.
Piles of roast meat and vegetables were being tucked into as Fred gave George a nudge under the table.

His stomach roiled slightly as he cleared his throat.
"Um, hey everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I invited someone for Christmas tomorrow."
It didn't come out as breezily as he had hoped. Several forks stopped moving as his family gazed up at him, interest on their faces.

"Who's that, darling?" Molly smiled at him.

"My, uh, friend. Juna."

An eery silence fell like a blanket over the table before quickly being drowned out by cutlery again, a few coughs and a mutter of "oh how nice."

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