Chapter 56 - Reality

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Reality came screaming back into Juna's senses like a tidal wave as she roused from her deep, drunken sleep. The light from a yellow lamp by the couch she was curled up on was stinging her eyes, the smell of cooking meat assaulted her nose making her stomach turn and the sound of hushed voices rang in her ears. The pain between her ears was splitting as she blinked a couple of times, trying to regain composure.

George and Fred's flat. Why the fuck was she here? Juna ran her fingers over the knitted blanket covering her body before cringing at the memories that came back to her. She apparated here to speak to Fred - drunk as a skunk. Then George... shit, George.

"She can't fucking stay here!"

"Why are you even here? Juna is my friend and I'll host her as long as I'd like, thanks!"

"Forgive me for thinking that I would have certain liberty's considering we've been sleeping together, George."

"That means nothing. We aren't in a relationship so stop just inviting yourself over."

"She seems to have invited herself over."

"She didn't actually! She came to speak to Fred but..."

"But she rocked up trollied and made you look after her, just as she had planned probably."

"Stop being jealous, it's not a good look."

Juna sat upright too quickly, intent on seeing who George was arguing with and moaned audibly when her head felt like it might crack in two. The hushed voices ceased as soon as they noticed her movement.

"Juna! You ok? How you feeling?" George's voice came, followed by footsteps coming up behind her.

"She's fine. I'm sure she just needs a glass of water and to get back to her own bed, right Juna?" A woman's voice, sickly sweet cut through her like a knife.

Juna turned toward the owner of the voice.
Ara - George's ex. The two women stared at each other, Ara with a fake smile and glassy eyes and Juna with a cold gaze and a set jaw.

George glanced awkwardly between them.
"Uh... right. Well you're more than welcome to stay for dinner, I've got Beef Cheeks on."

"Dinner? What the fuck is the time?!"

"It's nearly 8pm." George chuckled.

"Shit!" Juna exclaimed.
"No, whatshername is right. I should see Fred and then get going." Juna croaked.

Ara visibly bristled about getting referred to in such a blasé manner, but George just ignored the comment and held out a hand to help Juna off the couch.

"Fred's in his room, you can go knock if you like." George smiled kindly at her.

"Thanks. I think I know which one it is, I mean, I certainly know which one your room is."
Juna winked at George in clear view of Ara who reddened with rage.

She knew George was going to cop an earful as soon as she was out of sight, but the temptation was too strong not to stir the pot a little. Ara being here made no sense, George clearly didn't invite her.
To hear they'd been sleeping together made Juna's stomach knot uncomfortably, but it would be hypocritical to be upset seeing as she had been sleeping around also. Still didn't mean it stung any less. 

"Oh, and um... you don't have to tell him you can't see him. I was being a twat. I think it would be really cool if you could help him through the stuff he's experiencing. Me or mum or anyone can't seem to really break through and be of any help."

Juna smiled at him before turning and making her way down the short corridor and stopped at the door she knew to be Fred's. Taking a breath, she knocked lightly.

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