Chapter 8 - Bandages and Potions

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Juna slowly awakened. It didn't take long to become aware of the intense pain in her left arm, as well as the fact she was in her own bed.
Her eyes flung open at the faint memory of George, who had rushed to her aid during the duel. She just remembered muttering to him to not take her to the hospital before she passed out. She was glad to see he listened to her.

She eased herself into a sitting position and scanned the room for any sign of the ginger. Good, the room was empty, hopefully he had gone home.
No such luck however, Juna sighed loudly as she heard a small bang and a curse word from the living area.

"Weasley?" She called out.

She heard silence from the living room and then quick footsteps before George's handsome and flustered looking face appeared at the door.

"Hello." He stood awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?"

George scoffed and took further steps into the room.
"You may have failed to notice you're actually quite injured there, Cove. Had I not been there, you'd probably be dead."

"Why are you still here then?"

"You're welcome for saving your life." He rolled his eyes.

"Yes good job, George - you're quite the hero!" She mocked sarcastically.
"There? You happy now I've praised you?"

George shook his head looking a bit dejected.
"Why are you always so mean?"

Juna stared at him for a moment, he genuinely looked hurt. She sighed loudly.
"It's not safe for you, you need to go. It's bad enough that those people have seen you now." She thought for a moment.
"Wait, were you following me?"
She couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed. This was her entire job and somehow she had been followed without noticing?

"Who were they?" George didn't look up from her bedspread which he was stroking gently as he had sat down at the end of the bed.

"I'm not going to tell you that." Her words were surprisingly gentle.
This man was annoying, but she wasn't going to risk his safety.

"I heard you talking to the woman. You said you would kill her." His hazel eyes locked onto hers, searching for the answer.

Juna stayed silent, but she didn't take her eyes from his. It felt strangely peaceful to be looking at him. Peace is not something she experiences often.

Soon George gave up. He rose with a sigh.
"You've been out for about three hours, I ran down the street and got you potion for the pain. I wrapped your wound too."
He grabbed a small vial off the dresser.
"Dab this on every few hours and redress it. I don't know what the spell was that did this to you, but it looked to be a ricochet so it wasn't the full force. It seems to be responding to this treatment so continue it."

She couldn't lie, she was impressed. She looked down at her arm and saw that it was indeed expertly wrapped, but her blood was beginning to soak through again. It had clearly stopped bleeding as profusely as it once was and the pain had subsided substantially.
Juna tutted and began unwrapping the bloody bandages.

"Stop. I'll do that before I go."
George came to the side of the bed and took the bandages gently from her trembling hands. She was still very weak.

"How'd you learn all this?"

"My mum, she's very good at healing. She had quite a few kids, one of us was always hurting ourselves so she had to learn pretty quickly."

She watched a small smile tug at the corners of his mouth as he spoke of his family. His eyes trained on her arm, the bandage fell away and exposed a rather grotesque looking injury. The skin surrounding the bloody wound was bubbled and burnt, but George didn't even wince.

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