Chapter 65 - Purple Beanie

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A/N: Sorry if this notification disappointed anyone, but there was a problem with the comments last time I tried to upload this chapter, so I am reuploading to see if that will fix it!! Comment here to let me know if it's working please!! Thanks for reading :) xx


The smoke from Juna's cigarette spiralled lazily and dissipated into the freezing sunset. She stood slouched against a broad tree just out of eye line of The Burrow. Nobody had even seen her put on her boots and slip out the front door, not amongst the roiling argument raging on in the living room - because of her. She had ruined this family's Christmas simply with her presence.

"Didn't know you smoked." George's voice floated over the soft snow to her.

Juna didn't even look up, instead she dragged another inhale, savouring the smoke in her lungs.
"I don't usually. But I had a feeling I might need one today." She patted the bag at her side, earlier used to hold the gifts for everyone. "This bag holds many a vice."

George was at her side by now, holding his hand out for the cigarette. Juna hesitantly gave it to him, assuming he was going to grind it into the snow under them. To her surprise though, he pinched it between his thumb and pointer finger and took a deep drag.

He breathed out slowly, watching the white wisps curl into the air. He smiled down at her.
"Sometimes when you have a family of boof-heads like mine, you need one of these. Or ten."

Juna laughed, taking the cigarette back after he had two more puffs. They watched the sun in silence as it dipped lower below the skyline, orange rays trying to peek through the clouded sky.

"I'm sorry, George." She said quietly after while. "I'm so sorry I've ruined your family's Christmas. If I'd have known it would be-"

George silenced her with a wave of his hand.
"It wouldn't be a Weasley Christmas without someone being mad about something. They are usually mad at Fred and I for doing some dumb shit."

"Yeah, but it's me and I'm not part of your family."

"You are. You are me and Fred's family."

A wave of heavy emotion tumbled through Juna's body out of nowhere at his words. It was one of the most touching things anyone has ever said to her, but she kept her face straight.

George moved behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist, his warmth soaking through her jacket and into her bloodstream. She relished it.

"I knew they might dislike me because of... everything, but I didn't think it went this deep. I don't even know how to begin to apologise to them."

George scoffed.
"They don't deserve your apology. You saved Fred-"

"He wouldn't have needed saving if it wasn't for me!"

"Besides the point." George chuckled and squeezed her. "I accept you, Fred accepts you, everyone does - even mum. It's just Bill with his anger issues. He will come round, I promise."

Darkness was falling as they stood there for a while longer. Both of their minds were churning, the cold didn't even bother them as their body heat kept each other warm.

"You know, the old me wouldn't have even stuck around. The old Juna would have apparated out to the nearest bar, leaving you in the dust and I would have got sloshed immediately." She felt George smile behind her ear. "You've changed my ways, Mister Weasley. Made me soft."

George turned her in his arms so that they were now face to face.
"You're the least soft person I know, in all the best ways - but also a couple of scary ways too." He smiled, pressing a kiss to the tip of her cold nose.

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