Chapter 49 - Shattered Windows & Hearts

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"You sick bastard!" George cried.

"George, don't." Juna said in what she hoped was a calm tone.

She honestly couldn't believe what Perseus had just said. How was he smart enough to have invented a spell to connect two people like this? Sure it was a long drawn out process, but if he landed the last spell on her she was his forever. She would basically be his play thing and ultimately his saviour if anyone chose to kill him, she would die instead. And who was this 'little birdy' he was talking about?

"Let George and his brother go."

Perseus laughed.
"Why would I do that? It serves no purpose for me, Fred probably has mere hours left in him and George..." He squinted at a seething George who stood next to Juna. "Well, It would be more entertaining to me to make him watch you suffer."

"There's something seriously wrong with you. Did mummy and daddy not love you enough? Is that what it is? So you have to make everyone else's lives hell? You're fucked." She spat.

Juna knew she was sounding childish now, but her mind was a mixture of emptiness and a speeding train. She figured her best bet to keep the twins alive was to keep him talking.

"I actually had a pleasant upbringing, thanks for the concern. I just knew I was destined for greater things."

"So you wanted to be a cheap, knock-off version of Voldemort. Chose a stupid fucking name to carry out your cruel acts same as him and all." She mocked.

"The Dark Lord would be nothing but proud that someone looks up to him and wants similar things. We are somewhat different - me and him. I don't much care for wanting to take over the world or pure bloods, half-bloods are fine, but I am not a fan of muggle borns or muggles in general really. I carry out whatever appeases me and just for being myself I have gathered my followers-"

"Yes, Voldemort's old hangers-on who found themselves adrift when he died at the hands of a teenager." Juna interrupted. "They don't care about you, they're just bored and need a purpose."

An angry murmur went through the 9 people still standing after George had taken out three.

"You're playing dangerous games here, girl. You really think your boyfriend and his brother are going to get out of here alive? Obviously I'm going to ensure your safety so I can get the final spell on you, I'm very curious to see how it will affect you."

"Over my dead body." George shouted.

He stepped forward and began aiming spells and curses at the surrounding people, taking another one out before Juna joined in, knocking out two more. She thought about aiming to kill, but contrary to what the MIU had taught her - she didn't like to murder aimlessly. It might be foolish, but in her 22 years on this planet she had killed more people than she'd had roast dinners, she didn't want to add to her ever growing dead body count.

It hadn't seemed likely as they first got surrounded by 12 people, but her and George seemed to be effectively fighting their way out. Perseus seemed to be scraping the bottom of the barrel if these were the best people he could get to stand for him.
Sweat was beading on both Juna's and George's foreheads as their arms worked tirelessly casting spell after spell every way they could. They took turns throwing up a blocking spell to protect the both of them as the other would continue to attack Perseus's followers and they weakly fought back.

Perseus himself shamelessly drew back and hid behind two people to protect himself, but every time Juna's eyes flickered to look at him she could tell he was waiting for the right moment to hit her with the spell he was desperately wanting to inflict on her.
Eventually, only four people were left. They looked exhausted, terrified and like this isn't what they signed up for. With a side eyed look at her boss, one of the remaining four backed up and slipped out of the door then evidently apparated away with a pop.

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