Chapter 7 - Three Against One

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"Why are you staring at that woman and her children, Cove? Should I alert the authorities?"

"Don't you have customers to attend to?" Juna waved her hand at the rambunctious crowd of people bustling through the store.

George laughed.
"I guess I shouldn't be surprised you're trying to get rid of me, again."

Juna rolled her eyes at his mention of last night and her unceremonious request for him to leave her house this morning.
"If I had of known you were so clingy, I would have picked someone else to take home that night."

She thought this would be sufficient to send George off in a huff, but again - he only laughed. What was up with this guy?
He moved to the side of her and began arranging the love potions to look neater.

"What are you doing later?" He asked, not looking up from his task.

Juna almost laughed herself, what she would be doing is exactly this. Stalking a strange woman around London.
"Nothing of significance. But far too busy to see you."

George put an exaggerated pout onto his face.
"You really do need to learn to loosen up, love."

She said nothing. If only he knew how much she actually wanted to, but couldn't.

He turned to face her, leaning an elbow on the display.
"You're really unlike anyone I've ever met, maybe ever. But here's the thing - every time you think the things you say or do will push me away, it only intrigues me more."
He stood up straight and leaned in slightly closer.
"See you around." He smirked.

Juna was staring, unseeing in front of her. She had been trying so hard to pretend she wasn't affected by George's presence. She didn't even know this guy, met twice and fucked once. But he was like a bad smell, just lingering and popping up when you least expect.
She shook her head, willing herself back to the present and her task at hand.
Shit. The woman was gone.

"Damn it George!" She said out loud in frustration as she hurried to the door.

Luckily she saw the woman and her two small children scuttling down the street. Juna fell in behind them at a not so suspicious distance.

What Juna failed to notice though, was George standing in the window of his shop, watching carefully as she walked casually yet with purpose behind a seemingly unsuspecting witch and her kids.


Juna spent the rest of the day stalking her mark. Nothing came of it though. She camped out half the night outside the small home the witch and her kids lived in with no sign of anything suspicious. Soon Juna was unable to keep her eyes open and was forced to retire back to her flat in order to recharge.

She crawled into bed after a quick shower and fell asleep moments after laying her head down.
Her dreams were strange. She dreamt she was this time following a tall red headed man - it was George. She stalked him as he ran from her. He was desperately trying to escape her clutches, much like the wizard she had caught in the bin a few nights ago. In her dream, Juna started to panic. She didn't want to hurt George, she was screaming at him telling him to move away, to run faster. But nothing came out of her mouth.
She finally caught him, had George on his knees as he looked up at her with pleading eyes.

"You don't want to hurt me, Cove." His sad voice spoke to her as she pointed her wand at his face.

Juna wanted to let him go, to push him away and and scream at him to get out of here. But instead, a green flash projected from the tip of her wand and George disappeared in a puff of smoke.

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