Chapter 11 - Coffee and Foam

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George seemed all too keen to go for a coffee with Juna and leave his two brothers - Fred and Ron - to look after the shop.

"Thought you'd never ask." He said cheerily.

The pair of them walked across the street to the cafe Juna was planning to go to anyway and plonked themselves in one of the cozy little booths down the back. It was a dim and small cafe but it worked. They had cream coloured walls and white roses for decoration. The smell of coffee filled every corner of the room.

"Two Latte's please." Juna told the approaching waitress.

"Wha- hold up, why are you ordering for me?" George's eyes were wide with surprise.

"Tell me you wouldn't have ordered a Latte and I'll go change the order." Juna looked him in the eye with a raised eyebrow.

"Um... yeah ok, I would have got a Latte. But that's rather rude you know." George had a smile tugging at his lips.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"I feel like you don't have much experience with people." He fiddled with the small, pink sugar packets on the table between them as he spoke.

"I know people." Juna scoffed quietly.

"Yeah, but I feel like you're just not... nevermind." He looked up at her through his eyelashes.
"Say, where'd you go to school? Can't have been Hogwart's. I would have remembered someone like you." His crooked grin gleamed.

"No. Home schooled."
Juna winced slightly as the words came out of her mouth. She should have lied. He will only have more questions now.

He was about to say something before they were thankfully interrupted by the waitress who placed the two steaming coffees in front of them.
Juna admired the white china mug that held the dark liquid, there was a painted dark green vine that wrapped around the handle and extended up to the rim. She traced the painting with her thumb, appreciating the soft brush strokes and delicate lines. It was pretty.

She felt George's eyes on her but she didn't look up. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to find something of substance to say.

"You know, you're the one that asked me for coffee." He eventually said flatly.

"I'm aware."
Juna took a large sip of the creamy coffee. Wasn't the best, but it would do.

George did the same, then set his mug back on the saucer.
"So are you going to ask me anything?"

"George. This is not a date."

George guffawed.
"Pfft. I know that. Totally know that."

He clumsily lifted the mug again with his long fingers and bought it to his mouth so fast that his nose dipped into the froth.
He didn't notice.

Juna surveyed him with steady eyes but she had to press her lips together to stop herself from laughing at how he looked with the foam on the tip of his nose, completely unaware.

"What?" George asked carefully, dragging out the word.

She slid her hand across the table and picked up a napkin from its holder and handed it to him.
"Got a little something in your nose there, champ." She winked at him.

George's eyes widened slightly and his face flushed quite red, to match his hair. It was rather cute.

He chuckled lightly as he rubbed the napkin over his face and stood.
"I'm just going to go into the bathroom and re-powder my nose." He joked, still embarrassed.

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