Chapter 9 - Cast Aside

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A/N: I've put a little (terrible) sketch of how I imagine Juna's flat. I'm no artist so don't mind how awful it actually is lol. Picture - clean lines, marble and plush surfaces and very organised.

Of course you're free to imagine it any way you like.
Let me know how you imagine it :) xx
P.S don't forget to vote! ❤️


Her fathers visits were never long and very, very rare. So Juna didn't have to put up with him for long before he left her flat without so much as a farewell wave.
She was slightly worried about what he would do with the knowledge of George being her 'friend' - if you could even call it that. She had ensure her father that George knew nothing about her and the life she leads. She insisted he thought she was merely an Auror. In fact, Juna wished she was just an Auror, at least then she could have a more normal life.

She sighed heavily and dragged her sore and battered body for a much needed shower. She cast a protection spell around her wound to stop it getting wet before stepping under the warm droplets.
Juna let the water cascade over her skin like silk, soothing the grazes and bruises.
She held her head under the water and placed her hands over her ears like she used to as a small girl. It sounded like a rain downpour on a small canvas tent, most importantly it drowned out her thoughts and calmed her mind. Juna stood like this for some time until she feel her fingertips pruning up.

Exiting her bathroom and waving her wand over her hair to dry it off easily, she beelined toward the fridge, her stomach suddenly growling loudly.
Flinging the door open, her eyes landed on the soup George had got for her, placed in the centre of the middle shelf, with a little note attached to it.

Feel better :)

Her heart softened immediately. This small act of kindness was something she had never experienced before, never in her life had someone left her a note that didn't have something to do with work.

Juna picked the note up to take a closer look. It was nothing special, but she ran her fingers over the small smiley face next to the kind words. His handwriting was messy and loopy, but perfectly legible.
Taking the soup out, she shut the door gently and pressed the note to the front of the fridge making it stick there for her to enjoy whenever she liked. A small smile had made its way to her face as she microwaved the soup.

In the few days she had known this man, she was feeling more emotions than ever. It concerned her but also enthralled her, what was it about him?
She closed her eyes summoning the image of him to her head - his firey hair and even more firey personality.
She wished more than anything Audrey was still alive, she would kill to have someone to talk about this with. Juna knew Audrey would understand.


Juna arrived back at work the next morning as if she hadn't nearly died the day before. Nobody asked if she was ok - besides Jack, who only sent her to the healer he had summoned after her father, Mace, had informed him of her injury.
She wasn't surprised though, nearly dying and injuries were the day to day here at the MIU.

Turns out the Healer was quite impressed with the work George had done with her injury.

"Whoever did this has quite the talent." The middle aged brunette told her after she had asked what she had been putting on it and gently removed the bandaging.
"Have they ever considered a career in Healing?"


The witch nodded, unaware of the malevolence in Juna's voice. She was irritated at being cast to the side for a Healer to deal with, and she certainly didn't feel like discussing George - the man who consumed her thoughts more often than not.

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