Chapter 46 - Support

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Once outside the MIU building Juna set off quickly, vaguely aware of George trailing behind her. Her mind was too preoccupied with desperately trying to figure out where Perseus could be keeping Fred, alive or dead. Either way, it was entirely her fault and she would never forgive herself for being so selfish as to let this happen.
Juna raked through her mind, remembering all the houses of Perseus's followers she had heard of or had to keep surveillance on. She wasn't sure if he would be dumb enough to keep Fred in somewhere as open as a house, but they had to start somewhere. The longer they fucked around, the more likely Fred would be dead.

Juna took her wand out of the pocket of the jacket she was wearing, silently thanking Harry and Hermione for bringing her a shirt and jacket - even if they were George's. They had run into them just as her and George were leaving and they were entering. Juna hadn't offered them much of an explanation, only offered her sincere thanks for all they had done before disappearing with the red head who still followed her now.

"If you insist on coming, keep the pace. I'm about to apparate." She barked over her shoulder.

George nodded and quickened his unsure pace to catch up with her, before grabbing her outstretched arm to apparate with her.
With a pop they landed in a park across from a medium sized home, painted white with black trim.

"This is one of his followers houses. I can't remember the name, but we need to start checking everywhere we can think of."

Juna had her eyes trained on the house, taking in and being aware of every little thing just as she had been trained to do from toddler age.
George however, looked uncertain and a flicker of fear travelled across his face as he felt the intense aura surrounding her.

"We aren't going... inside, are we?" He asked carefully.

"We have to be ruthless, George. You want your brother back? We have to look everywhere. I hate to say it, but I don't know where on earth he could be. This is as good of a place as any to start."

She could tell George was nervous, this was just another day to her but for him it was something he's never experienced. There was no time to make him comfortable, they'd wasted enough time on herself. She was so thankful that George had taken the time to get her safe and healed, but it may have cost Fred's life.

"Come on." Juna waved to George to follow her as she set off toward the front door.

"Do you even have a plan, Juna?"


They reached the door and she knocked calmly. After a few moments a man who looked in his early 30's with a mop of black hair opened the door to greet them with a smile, but his smile faltered as he looked at Juna. The man swiftly tried to slam the door, but her foot and hand stopped it.

"Where you off to?" She asked breezily.
"That's no way to treat your guests, sir."

"Please, I have a family." The man pleaded, letting Juna push her way into his home.

"You should have thought about that before you got involved with your dear leader, Perseus."

She kept one eye on the man but scanned everything within sight, making sure to look for anywhere there could be a trap door or a false wall.

"Where is he?" Juna demanded.

"Who? P-Perseus? He's not here! Why would he ever be here? I'm not important enough to-"

"No. Where is the guy that looks exactly like him."
Juna pointed a finger in George's direction.

"How should I know?"

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