Chapter 25 - Harpe

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A week had passed and George hadn't heard even a peep from Juna, which he found strange. He thought they had been cool after he had made her dinner, everything had seemed back to normal.
He knew she wasn't hurt or anything though because he had seen her go on one of her runs, he had just happened to look out the window of the shop moments before she streaked by in her trademark black clothing and glistening blonde hair. He had held out hope that on her way back she would call in and say hello, but no such luck.

"She's bad news, I'm telling you." Fred was giving him a lecture about how bad Juna was for him, much to George's displeasure.
"She waltzes in and out of your life as she pleases. She's using you, you're blind not to see it - even Harpe says so."

"Why the fuck are you telling your dumb mate with the even dumber name about my personal life? I've told you what I think of that twat." George seethed as he stood up from the dinner table where they were both sat eating soup.

"He's only got your best interests at heart, as do I."

"I don't even know the guy, Fred. So keep him well away from my business. In fact, keep yourself away from my business, you've been nothing but a prick about her. You've met Juna once. One time! You don't know shit!"

George threw his empty bowl in the sink and did a quick charm to clean it.

Fred rolled his eyes.
"I swear I don't know who you are anymore. The old George wouldn't allow himself to be walked all over by some girl."

"Are you serious? The only time we fucking see each other anymore is at work, Fredrick! You're always with that guy with the same name as some fruity instrument! Not to mention he's like 13 years older than us! Do what you want, see if I care. But don't you strut in here after you've finished having a gab sesh about me and my love life with that idiot and think you know what's best for me!"

Fred stood, anger flashing across his face.
"Don't fucking speak about my friends like that. I met Harpe while you were off spending all your time with that girl. I'm glad someone had my back at least, because it doesn't seem to be you anymore!"

"Oh get fucked, Fred. We have friends, loads of them! There's something off about that Harpe dude, I can just feel it. You ought to get rid of him."

"I feel the same way about that Juna chick. So I guess we are at an impasse then George, aren't we?"

They brothers stood and glared at each other for a moment before George turned on his heel and stormed into his bedroom and slammed the door.
He fell backwards onto his bed, letting his arms flop out wide beside him on the soft queen size bed, topped with a blue cover and white sheets.
His walls were bare apart from a painting of a forest above his bed and a pinup board where he kept bills, personal letters and the like. Ageing brown wooden furniture adorned the room, a small writing desk by the large window, the solid bed frame and large cupboard that held his clothes. It was cozy and almost always neat, unlike Fred's room.

George turned his head to the side, looking at the pillow Juna once rested her head on when she had accidentally stayed the night. He felt like an idiot to miss someone so much who clearly didn't feel the same in return. But he couldn't help it, Juna was so beautiful and clever, she was funny and could be really sweet when she wanted to. She could also be quick to anger, she wouldn't tell the truth about many areas of her life and was involved in something that seemed high risk.
She was the perfect depiction of a dream and a nightmare all rolled into one.

His mind wandered back to the morning Juna had spotted himself and his ex - Ara on the bench outside the shop. He had his hand on Ara's knee comforting the girl about her father who had just been diagnosed with Cancer. She worked as a Broom Salesperson and traveled all over the world, so their relationship just wasn't working considering George couldn't leave the shop.
He hadn't even considered that a hand on an ex's knee could be viewed so negatively because he didn't have feelings for the girl. Yes she was beautiful, but they broke up for a reason and she didn't matter anymore. Juna did.
Now that he thought about what Juna had stumbled upon - it probably wasn't what either party in a blossoming romance wants to see from the other. He certainly didn't expect to have a curse fired at him for it though, even though he knew he'd be pushing his luck by apparating inside her flat. But if she had truely meant it, she wouldn't have missed. She was simply trying to scare him away and he wasn't going to let her do that.

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