Chapter 62 - Must Be Heaven

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Robes forgotten on the bathroom floor, George held Juna in his arms and walked the few steps to throw her on the bed. She stared up at him from where she lay, centred on the soft mattress - water dripped slowly down his torso, following the outlines of his abdominal muscles and taught pecs. Juna was also very aware of the remnants of the bathwater dripping off her and slowly soaking the expensive linens on the bed.

Lust blazed darkly in George's eyes as his gaze dragged greedily over her body, shining with water. Juna reached her hands out, beckoning him to come closer, to touch her. But he didn't. Instead, he grabbed each ankle, tugging her until her legs dangled off the bed. Then, he knelt and shifted himself so each of her knees rested on each of his shoulders. She propped herself up on her elbows to see him, his face was inches from her heat, his eyes peered up over her body and connected with hers, sending a shiver down her spine. He had just made her cum, but seeing him like this - it wouldn't take long for it to happen again.

Without breaking eye contact, George licked a broad strip up her slit. Juna shuddered, her head falling back.

"Look at me."

She snapped her head back up to look at him upon his command.

"Good girl." He murmured, keeping her gaze as he licked her again.

It took everything in her to not lean back, close her eyes and enjoy the ride. But this was more exciting, watching his face, his eyes, the way he moved his face as he feasted upon her. She knew he was also enjoying every twitch on her pleasure-filled face too.

George wasted no time, licking, sucking and nibbling at her in every spot he could reach from his position nestled between her thighs. He didn't drag it out as torturously as in the bath, but he made sure she knew that he was in control - he would decide when she would cum. Everytime she got close, he would sense it and pull away, despite the needy groans of impatience from Juna.

He built her back up again, after the fourth time of denying her the release she so desperately wanted, this time inserting a long finger inside her. It slipped in easily, making Juna moan loudly and arch her back, pressing into him. He curled it up expertly, hitting just the right spot to send a spasm up her body.

He was going to let her now, she knew it, and she raced toward it. She let the moans escape her lips in frenzied puffs and rocked her hips against his hand and mouth. She focused on the hazel swirling in his eyes, his pupils growing large as he took in the beautiful girl he was slowly unwinding with his lips. Finally and joyfully Juna cried out, her body clenching and arching, even more intense than the last.

George continued to lap at her until her thighs unclenched around his head and all she could do was lay back, shaking with pleasure. He planted soft, wet kissed down her thighs, but she hardly felt it for the sensitive throbbing between her legs.

He appeared beside her, gently tugging her up the bed so she could lay on the mattress fully. He cast a drying charm across them both and the bed from where the bathwater had soaked everything and began tracing patterns across her skin as she caught her breath. Finally she opened her eyes, her face flushed red.

"That was-" She started, hoarsely.

George cut her off with a tender kiss to the lips.
"I would do that every fucking day if you let me." He whispered into her mouth.

Electricity was still racing through Juna's veins and even more so at the feeling of his lips so strong, tasting of her. Energy sprung her limbs into action and she toppled George onto his back, straddling him and staring down into his surprised eyes.

He smirked.
"If I had of known you were still this energetic after two orgasms, I would have gone for a third."

"Trying to tire me out, Weasley?"

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