Chapter 40 - Liquid Courage

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The days went by as slow as the moon phases. Watching Fred turned out to be a bland event and Juna was growing frustrated. The way Jack made it sound was like Fred was getting up to suspicious shit all day long, when in reality he hardly left the shop or his flat - on foot at least. She couldn't tell if he was disapparating from inside the confines of the walls.
She had managed to follow him once into Knockturn Alley but he had simply visited the Betting Shop, which wasn't out of the ordinary for Witches and Wizards wanting to indulge in a spot gambling.

The afternoon was growing cool as Juna lurked casually outside Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, as she had done for the last 3 days. This time her Polyjuice Potion disguised her as a thin, middle aged woman, nobody looked twice at her. The coffee she had clasped in her bony hand was growing cold and gross. She glanced up into the sky as the stars began to peek out from behind the grey clouds illuminated by the rapidly setting sun, the last beams of light glinted off her watch face as she read the time, the Polyjuice would be wearing off soon.
Juna muttered angrily under her breath, painfully aware that in three days she had produced nothing of substance on her surveillance mission - Jack was going to be less than impressed.

She stood up from the bench she sat on and brushed her legs off before stretching her back, raising her arms high over her head. She was about to walk off down the cobbled street of Diagon Alley when she noticed Fred and George stepping out the door of their shop. Fred was explaining something to his brother, both engrossed in conversation as they locked up and ambled down the street. Neither of them noticed Juna - or the middle aged woman - who coolly fell into step behind them. They were likely going nowhere but for a drink at a bar, but she couldn't risk missing anything.

"That's why you guys are absolutely meant to be." Fred was saying. "Ara just gets you, mate! I think it's fate that's bought her back to you."

George rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably as they walked together.
"I don't know about that. We've hooked up once since we broke up and it was a mistake. I don't even remember inviting her around, it doesn't feel right."

"If you're thinking about that Juna slut, don't. She clearly never liked you. I mean, she tried to get with your brother! Not to mention she just abandoned you like you were dirt on her shoe."

"To be fair, she didn't know Charlie was my brother. But you're right, she did abandon me. I really tried to make it right." George nodded.

The words stung her. Fred really was finally getting what he wanted all along and convincing his brother that Juna was the worst person in the world. She never wanted to leave him hanging, but it was best for everyone involved. That didn't stop the fact from breaking her heart every single day she was alive.
She was stuck on a merry-go-round of misery, often wondering what was worse - living or dying?

The two boys moved on from the topic of Juna at George's behest and chatted about the shop for the rest of the way - much to Fred's annoyance.
Juna moved along behind them subtly, stopping to look in shop windows or pulling up the socks underneath her black combat boots. Finally, they reached The Black Pixie where Fred and George immediately stepped inside without a glance behind them. She hung outside for a moment as to not arouse interest before stepping through the door herself.

The bar was more lively than she had ever seen it. Witches and Wizards flitted about, chatting happily with each other as the drinks flowed. Juna quickly realised there was some kind of event on, looking to her right she realised a band was setting up to play and a space had been cleared for a dance floor. She inwardly groaned, not prepared to deal with the noise and boisterous people.
George greeted his friends happily after grabbing a drink for himself and Fred - who was hanging back, scanning the crowd. Ron, Harry, Lee and two other boys Juna didn't recognised chorused loudly as they began chatting and laughing over their beers.

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