Chapter 57 - Tenent Insitum Amori

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TW- mentions of non-consensual acts. No detail though. If you do wish to skip this chapter, let me know and I will help you catch up on what happened before I release the next chapter :)


George stared hard at himself in the bathroom mirror as he turned on the tap. His pupils were large with lust, but his jaw was hard as stone. He didn't understand how Ara kept affecting him like this. It made him angry, he had no interest in her anymore. Yet he kept falling into bed with her.

Reaching both hands under the cold water, George splashed his face repeatedly until his skin tingled icily before looking back at himself in the mirror over the sink. Water dripped slowly down his face like tears, following the crevices of his face.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He began talking to his reflection quietly. "You don't like Ara, whatever you two had is over. It's been over for ages. Stop being a twat."

George shook his head disapprovingly at his own reflection as if it was another person. He was mortified at Juna walking in on him and Ara together, he didn't even remember how it happened. The look on her face was enough to make him want the earth to open up and swallow him. She almost looked... hurt. Shocked and hurt. That in turn hurt George - hence why he had hurried to the bathroom, he couldn't stand to look at the disappointment on Fred's face and the hurt on Juna's.

George splashed his face again and leaned on the sink, watching the water fall into the basin as he considered his options. Hopefully Ara had actually listened to him for once and left. Hopefully Juna had not.

After a quick shower with the same thoughts spinning around his head, George exited the bathroom and headed back to the kitchen. He saw with relief that Ara had left, but also felt gutted that Juna had also gone.

"Sorry mate, I couldn't get her to stay. Juna, that is." Fred said as he saw George walk in.

"I didn't think she would."

"What the hell happened? One minute you're basically getting a handy from Ara, the next you're running off to the bathroom and shouting orders as you went!"

George rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Honesty? No idea. I don't know why I would have started snogging Ara when Juna was in the next room. You know me - I want Juna. I don't know what came over me..."

Fred paused stirring the pot of gently boiling sauce and looked at George with furrowed eyebrows.
"You mean like you don't remember the moment you actually started kissing?"

He shook his head.
"None of it, mate. It's like I blacked out the whole time she was touching me..."

The twins stared at each other, digesting what had just been said. It was as if the same thought was going through each of their heads.

"Tenent Insitum Amori." They said together.

"It has to be!" Fred said.

"Sounds exactly like it." George agreed.

The brothers had come across it in their research to develop their own Love Potion. It was a rare and highly immoral kind of potion that requires someone to bath in the liquid, then everyone they touch will blackout and engage in lustful activity of the wearers choosing. It was outlawed in England over 100 years ago and as such, most of the world - for its dangerous potential non-consensual issues and more.

George recoiled.
"Yuck! I can't believe she's disgusting enough to use that! Where the fuck would she have even got it from? She's not smart enough to make it herself."

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