Chapter 34 - Calm on the Surface

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A pounding headache greeted Juna with the morning sun as it filtered through the half closed curtain that covered her floor to ceiling bedroom windows. She tenderly bought a hand up to her forehead and massaged her temples hoping to ebb the pain.

"I'm feeling that too." Came George's groggy voice from next to her.

Juna gently turned her head to peer at him, his eyes still droopy with sleep and his hair all ruffled.
"You still look cute though."

George chuckled before quickly stopping to groan.
"Don't make me laugh! I'm too hungover."

"Stay right there."

Juna eased herself out of bed, wobbling on her legs a bit but made it out to the kitchen. She rummaged through the cupboard filled with potions and bandages and muggle First Aid Kits before pulling out a large bottle of Pain Killing potion - a speciality of the Magical Intelligence Unit, but Juna thought now was a good of a time as any to put it to use.

"Take a sip of this." She held the bottle out to George who had his arm slung over his eyes.

Without hesitation, George took the potion and swallowed. Immediately his eyes opened wide and his face relaxed.
"Wow, that stuff works fast!"

Juna shook her head as she also swallowed a sip, feeling every ache and pain in her body subside, leaving a relaxed feeling in its wake.
"I could have given you anything just then, you really should be more careful when taking strange liquids from people."

George jumped up to tackle Juna to the bed, making them both burst into giggles.
"You wouldn't hurt me." He said with a raised eyebrow, his hands gripping her waist.

She shrugged.
"Except that one time I tried to hex you."

"Oh please, we both know that if you wanted to hit me, you wouldn't have missed."

Juna looked at him through her eyelashes playfully.
"Maybe. Maybe not."

George kissed her on her nose.
"I had fun last night. Maybe had a little to much to drink, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat."

"Me too. You have a few good moves on the dance floor Weasley!"

George laughed and begrudgingly stood and began searching for his clothes.
"I hate that I have to go to work. I want to stay here with you all day."

"Just stay then. Fuck Fred! ....Actually no, fuck me instead." Juna laughed as she said it.
"That came out all wrong."

"I got the gist of it." He winked. "But Fred will murder me if I blow him off again. I'm sorry, love."
He finished dressing and leaned down to where Juna sat on the bed.
"Come by at lunch time? If you're not busy. We can eat together."

"Sound amazing." She smiled, giving him a peck on the lips before he apparated.

Even though fatigue from the night before weighed her down, Juna dragged herself to the shower and to get ready for the day. She donned a black pair of leggings with see-through mesh up the sides and a loose black tank top that dropped low at the sides.
Once she had finished tying the laces to her sneakers, she disapparated.

Juna arrived at the MIU and made her way to the back to train with Bane. Through the doors and in the training room, a desk was set up in the middle of the floor. She groaned out-loud, throwing her head back dramatically.

"Sit." Commanded Bane.

"Seriously!? I'm so hungover, Bane! Do I have to!?"

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