Chapter 20 - My 6 Foot Goddess

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Sitting on her couch and staring out the window wistfully, Juna was at an impasse with herself about wether or not to have dinner with George tonight as they had planned. She knew now that there was no way for her to remove herself from the MIU without being killed or locked up.
A mournful emptiness had gripped her body as she pondered the loss of things she never even had - a family, friends, love, travel, adventures... a life. There was a hopefulness seeded deep within her up until today when she had asked Bane about leaving. He had quickly squashed any belief in what her life could be in less than a sentence.

It took every ounce of strength inside her to heave herself off the comfy couch and drag herself into the bathroom to get ready. Hours had passed since she had arrived home and it was now 9:30pm, she couldn't in good conscious leave George waiting any longer.
Juna quickly showered, applied a light layer of makeup and arranged her thick, blonde hair to fall in its natural curls down her back. She chose a simple black dress that showed plenty of cleavage and shoes with a small heel that made her long, slender legs look even more eye catching.

Trying not to do much more thinking, she closed her eyes and apparated from her bedroom to the outside of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. George was already waiting, leaning up against the door of the shop wearing black trousers and a denim jacket. His red hair was tousled to perfection and shined in the street lights that penetrated the surrounding darkness. He looked exceptionally handsome this evening.

He looked up as he heard the pop of her arrival and grinned.
"You came!"

"Of course I did. I said I would." Juna couldn't help but smile seeing the elation on his face.
"Now, let's get out of here before Fred comes to yell at me again."

George let out a soft laugh before striding over to where she stood. She caught a whiff off his cologne, it was a woody, delicious smell with hints of orange and sandalwood. It was a smell she had grown used to and now gave her great comfort.

He held his arm out to her with mock stiffness.
"My lady?"

Juna nodded curtly at him, imitating his regal action as she linked her arm with his and they began walking.

"Sorry I'm a bit later than I would have liked."

George shook his head.
"Don't apologise. Work is important."

"Not as important as some things though."

He whipped his head around to look at her with a playful look on his face.
"Is Miss Juna telling me she thinks I come before her work?!"

Juna flipped him the bird while trying to stifle a smile.

"That's not very lady-like." He laughed before pausing.
"You know..." George glanced sideways at her, clearly weighing up what her reaction might be to the next question.
"You um, you never told me your last name. I know you're first name - both of them apparently, but not your last." He laughed again nervously.

She had assumed George was going to use tonight to try and delve ever deeper into her life. She couldn't blame him and it was bound to happen. If she wanted to keep spending time with this man, she had to open up, even if that could mean putting herself and even him in danger.

"Cove is what I go by to basically everyone." She began after a deep breath.
"Even my parents call me that. You're the first person I've ever told my real name and actually let call me that."

George grew silent but Juna noticed a faint blush in his cheeks in the dim street lights.
"Juna is my real name. Juna Trigwell. It almost sounds foreign to me if I'm honest. I hate the name Cove, I didn't get to choose it like my co-workers. I got given it at birth and was called that from the day I was born. It's got me stumped why they ever gave me a real name at all... I suppose they had to write something for the birth records."

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