Chapter 30 - More Than An Auror

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Juna was the first one to rise the next morning at about 8:30am. She hadn't drunk as much as the others so she felt relatively normal, just a bit tired.
As she opened her eyes, she gazed over at the ginger man laying beside her, his arms wrapped protectively around her middle, heavy breaths moving his chest up and down gently. Juna smiled to herself counting the freckles that dotted his face delicately, they stood out bathed in the glow of the morning sun.
She quietly and carefully unraveled herself from George's limbs and slipped out of bed. She showered and dressed before entering the kitchen to make coffee, no doubt the people scattered through her living room would be needing some this morning.

As the kettle boiled, she opened and looked out of the window over her sink at the roofs below, a few people rushing to where they needed to go, the sun bouncing off the shiny surfaces. She could hear a bird chirping from a tree nearby, this made her smile. It was not often enough she stopped and appreciated things like this.
If only she could stop time and live in the moment forever - George, the man she deeply liked sleeping peacefully in her bed, a group of people she felt she could almost now call her friends snoring around the couch, a relaxing morning where the sun was shining and the birds chirping...

Juna was snapped out of it as the kettle clicked to signal it was finished boiling. She brewed strong coffee in a large jug and charmed it to stay hot, she then pulled out mugs, milk and sugar and and set them out for whoever may want one as they awoke.
She fixed herself a coffee and one for George - half a sugar with milk, just the way he liked. She used the 2 mugs with painted vines wrapping around the handle that he had got her, she smiled at the memory.
Juna carried the two cups back to the bedroom where George was still sleeping. She set the mugs on the bedside table and carefully sat on the bed causing George to stir.

"I didn't mean to wake you." She whispered.

George yawned and stretched.
"No, no. You didn't." He breathed in deeply.
"Do I smell coffee?"

Juna laughed and handed him a mug as he shuffled up into a sitting position. He blew lightly on the steamy liquid and took a long sip.
"Fuck yeah, that's good."

"How're you feeling?"

"Small headache but I'm good. How're you?" He smiled knowingly over the rim of his coffee.

"Woken up very refreshed." She winked.

George smiled at her with triumph and genuine happiness, but the smile slipped from his face as he looked over Juna's shoulder and out the window.
"You uh... have a letter."

She felt herself sag with misery, it could only be from the MIU. She turned and pushed open the window to grab the letter from the owl's beak that sat on the ledge expectantly.


It was all the letter said, but Juna knew that to mean she was to be at the MIU at that time and no later, they clearly have a mission for her.

"It's your work isn't it? You have to go?" George's voice was flat.

She nodded while she set about to burn the letter as she was told to always do. No matter if the note contained nothing but one word, Mace always told her to burn them in case they fall into the wrong hands.

"Can I ask..." George hesitated. Juna knew what was coming next.
"Can you ever tell me where you work? What you do? I've surmised enough to figure you're similar to Harry, you chase dark witches and Wizards. I think you are in a bit deeper than a simple Auror though, is that right?"

Juna sighed.
"Yes George, that's right."

He looked at her for a long time.
"You're not going to tell me, are you?"

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