Chapter 68 - Visitor's Training

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Right on time, George and Fred arrived at the visitors entrance to the Ministry at 9am. It was an old, red telephone box tucked well out of sight of passing muggles. It was not often used - if ever, for getting into the MIU, they never had visitors. Nobody was allowed in aside from those who worked there. Nevertheless, Juna and the twins squeezed into the booth and Juna dialled the number that differed from the one for the main Ministry building.


"Cove. Magical Intelligence Unit. Two visitors, George and Fred." She stated clearly at the receiver.

The box began moving and they sunk steadily into the ground. Fred was bouncing slightly with excitement, whereas George seemed stiff. He had been here before and met the people Juna worked with, he knew first hand they weren't the most welcoming.

After a minute of silent sinking, they arrived with a ding in the corner of the main area of the MIU. The people who worked at the desks scattered around looked up with narrowed eyes at their arrival, most never having seen the visitors entrance being used here and what's more - had never seen the MIU take visitors.

Juna held her hand out to indicate to the boys in front of her to exit the box. Fred stepped out and looked around with an open mouth, followed by George who was clenching his jaw.

"Not as impressive as the Ministry." Fred was whispering. "A bit shabby really."

George shoved him in the ribs to tell him to shut up as suspicious eyes lingered on them. Juna quickly moved past them, gesturing for them to follow her. Their footsteps echoed around them as they moved toward Jack's office. The door was closed but again Juna didn't bother to knock, she opened it up and walked straight in.

"You're making a mistake, Jack. When did you become so soft-" Mace cut himself off and looked up as the door swung open. He grimaced at his daughter and the two red-heads that trailed behind her. "Cove." He greeted his daughter with clenched teeth.

"Hello." Juna didn't bother to meet his gaze. Nor that of Anchor who also stood in the corner with his arms crossed and a sour look on his face.
"Jack, this is George and Fred. They are here to train with Bane as discussed, we will be going to the training room now." She nodded and tried to escape before the barrage came.

"I suppose you think your opinions hold some weight around here now." Anchor spat.

Juna rolled her eyes and turned to face him, George and Fred exchanged worried glances behind her.
"Not that it's any of your business, Anchor, but this was discussed at length with Jack. My opinion holds as much weight as yours. We are the same level if you've forgotten. You've just eaten too many Cauldron Cakes to be out in the field anymore."

Anchor bristled.
"You're a little bitch, you know that? Bringing civilians into this Unit because you're fucking them and think you know better-"

"Enough!" Barked Jack, who was now standing behind his desk with his fists clenched. "The three of you have been a thorn in my side for years now. You're co-workers, not 13 year olds in school. Start behaving like adults or there will be consequences."

Anchor and Jack pressed their lips together and Juna had to hide a smile at them being scolded like school children, even if she was included in it.

"As I said," Juna began again with a hint of a smirk. "We will be in the training room with Bane."

She walked back out the door with the twins and they made their way down the back. She pushed open the big door and was greeted by Bane with a nod. He was standing by the wall of mirrors ready for their arrival.

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