Chapter 38 - Envelopes

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Juna sat on her soft grey couch, her mind blank and her hands shaking slightly as she held the small Polaroid picture between her fingers. She had woken up this morning to an owl perched outside her kitchen window. The envelope wasn't addressed to anyone so she thought it must be from the Magical Intelligence Unit, but upon tearing the envelope open and pulling the picture out, she realised how wrong she was.

The picture bore the image of George on his back completely naked, straddled by an also naked Ara who was in the 'reverse cowgirl' position, so both their faces faced the camera. George's eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted as his hands gripped Ara's hips roughly. The girl was smiling sweetly at the camera that she held high over her head, ensuring every part was captured in the photo. It didn't take a genius to realise they were in the middle of sex. George didn't even look like he knew the photo had been taken.

Juna placed the photo gently back onto the table, staring at it for a few more seconds. She wasn't sure if this was some kind of sick joke, but she couldn't believe George would send her this, he didn't seem like the petty kind of moron who would resort to this immature shit.
If he hasn't hurt her enough last night by calling her those horrible names at the bar, this had taken the cake. She had to fight hard last night to keep her face emotionless and not let anyone see how she truely felt. But she had meant what she said - nobody hated her more than herself. She didn't know Charlie was his brother, if she had - of course she wouldn't have tried to get him to come home with her. She had felt so shitty about it back at the bar but, looking at this picture now, Juna wished she had fucked Charlie.

Leaving the disgusting picture on the coffee table, Juna showered, dressed and disapparated to the MIU. She walked steadily over to Jack's office and let herself in, plopping down in the chair opposite his desk.

He looked up at her in surprise.
"Cove, please knock next time." He scolded.

Juna ignored his words and leaned forward.
"Give me an assignment, Jack. A proper assignment. I need to get out there and do something. Every day is just training, paperwork, maybe a surveillance mission - but nothing good. I don't even know what Perseus or his followers are up to anymore."

"You've been distracted lately, I haven't had the usual confidence in you. As well as the fact that Perseus - who is usually the main target of our assignments - has been M.I.A lately. Not even his followers have been up to much, if anything they seem to be getting restless. Their leader has dropped off the face of the earth and they don't like it. I don't believe he's dead, not in the slightest. I do however, believe he's got something up his sleeve. He's clearly out there doing something he believes is worth his time. He doesn't strike me as another Voldemort in this aspect, that snake had a one track mind and he spent most of his days aiming for the same thing. Perseus though, he's not rushing to a particular goal, he just likes being a bad person who doesn't like muggles and who wants to dominate Witches and Wizards."

Juna nodded eagerly, lapping up the morsels of info Jack gave her. Eventually their conversation came to an end, she felt like she had caught up on whats been happening and she apologised for not being as present as she should be. He seemed to accept her apology and gave her a job to do, unfortunately it was just another surveillance job.
Juna did ask when they were to take out the next top follower of Perseus, but Jack just waved her out of the office and told her to have patience. Which was a shame - Juna felt in the mood to kill someone.

After a particularly long training session with Bane, she retired back to her flat with sore muscles and a tired mind.
To her disgust though, another owl was waiting at her window, this time she knew it was from George as she recognised the bird. She took the envelope, tore it into pieces and threw them out the window, shooing the bird as she did so.
She had no interest or patience to see what it said. Receiving that photo was all the information she needed to know George hated her. By going out of his way to fuck the girl he told her not to worry about mere hours after calling Juna vile for wanting to sleep with other people, not to mention actually sending photographic evidence of that, made Juna crave to punch him hard in his stupidly perfect face.

Juna decided that she needed a distraction that night, so she made the decision to use a pay phone in her building's lobby and call someone. She had remembered the girl she had kissed in front of George when they had gone to a club together, Juna had asked for her number seeing as she was a muggle and promised to call.
The girls name was Elsie and she remembered who Juna was immediately, eagerly agreeing to come around.

"Where is the red-head boy you were with that night?" Elsie asked Juna as she looked around the flat, glass of wine in hand.

"He's not important, never was. Just a random I spent a bit of time with." She said breezily, taking a sip of her own wine.
"What is important is that you've come to see me and that you look so fucking beautiful in that skirt."

Juna had come up behind Elsie and wrapped her arms around her middle, planting a soft kiss on her neck. The girl smiled and turned to face her.
Her black curls and deep chocolate skin shone as bright as her smile as Juna pulled her in to kiss her lips, softly at first but gradually more and more feverishly.
Every kiss and caress pushed George further and further from her mind, which was exactly why she liked sex so much - everything else slipped from her mind. They eventually moved to the bedroom where Juna lay her down and did as she used to do before George came along - taking control, using her hands and her mouth to make Elsie writhe and moan in pleasure until she fell into a satisfied and exhausted sleep.

For Juna however, the second the sex was over, George fell back into her mind. Her body craving what he used to give to her, she eventually slipped into a terrible sleep. Her dreams filled with a certain red-head being awful to her.


The next day Juna left the flat with Elsie. They both had work that morning, so they had showered together which turned out to be extremely fun, dressed and seeing as Elsie was a muggle, Juna had to walk out of her flat and onto the street with her. They spoke for a moment and Juna kissed her goodbye, promising to call again.
She watched Elsie walk away, her curvy hips swaying seductively as if she knew Juna was watching. She had to admit, she had fun with her and she was an incredibly beautiful woman.

Juna's thoughts were disturbed though by a voice behind her.
"Who was that?"

"I don't think that's any of your business." She said calmly, turning slowly to face George.
He looked tired, the large dark circles under his eyes prominent.

"That was the girl from the night we went clubbing, wasn't it?"

"Her name is Elsie and yes, it was. I did plan on calling her to perhaps have a threesome with you and I as I had asked her about it at the club. Unfortunately, we never got that far though."

George's cheeks flushed red at her words.

"Yes, now if you excuse me I have shit to do. Please stop lurking outside my flat." She turned on her heel and started to walk away.

"Stop! Juna please, let me explain." He begged.

Juna rolled her eyes and threw her hands out in exasperation.
"Explain what, George?! Are you fucking serious right now? Between the shit you said last night and that revolting photo you sent me, I'd say I understand perfectly anything else you could possibly say to me!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't even remember taking that picture, I-"

"No! I don't want to fucking hear it. I really don't. I took a big risk even getting that close with you and you've made me regret it. You think I'm the horrible one, take a look in the mirror."
She could feel her face redden slightly as she spoke.

"I know you're angry, Juna -"

"I'm not fucking angry! I am in pain!" She blurted out.

George and her both stopped talking and stared at each other in shocked silence. Juna didn't mean to say that, but she couldn't deny it was the truth. She felt pain - raw, gut wrenching, emotional pain. She didn't want to, this wasn't her way and she had gone her whole life without having to feel this - bar her mother dying perhaps - but George was the cause. George had done this to her.

"I'm sorry." He said quietly, looking at his feet.
"Juna, I'm so sorry."

His hazel eyes swirled with emotion as he forced himself to look into her eyes. She could tell it made him uncomfortable that she was able to portray no emotion on her face, despite the fact he now knew for a fact that she was hurting.

"Please don't come here again." She matched his tone before disapparating.

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