Chapter 14 - Someone Cares

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Juna had spent a further 2 hours in the interrogation room with Bethany trying everything under the sun to get her to talk. No matter what was done - hexing, cursing, beating, cutting, intimidating, threatening - the witch just wouldn't crack.
Soon enough, they were both exhausted but no closer to a solution.

"You know nobody is coming to save you this time, Beth. You know that right? None of Perseus's goons will come to your aid."

The witch only shrugged carelessly.
"They know where I am. They know all about the MIU and where it's located. They know all about you and all your little cronies."

This gave Juna pause. She couldn't quite understand how these criminals could know that. The MIU was so top secret about everything - 99% of the wizarding world didn't even know they existed, let alone knew where their offices were located. Lucky it was impenetrable thanks to intricate spells that protected it.

Perhaps she was lying. Hopefully she was lying.

"How would they know that?" She narrowed her eyes at Bethany, who only smirked in response.

Juna was losing patience.
"You're lucky my colleagues aren't done with you, or I'd kill you right now myself."

"Does your little ginger boyfriend know you torture and kill people for a living?" She woman whispered.

Juna froze and her heart rate increased rapidly.
She was talking about George.
"What the fuck did you just say?"

"What's his name? Weasley is it? He's got a nice little shop in Diagon Alley. I wonder how well it would run without one of the owners around to keep it up."
A disgusting smile was spreading over her features making her look demented.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Juna seethed.

"Don't I?"

They way the woman was talking made Juna sense the malicious intention behind her words. Her mind raced as she imagined the huge men Bethany was flanked by during their duel the other day, surrounding George's shop. They knew what he looked like now after all.
If innocent George died because of her and her job, she wasn't sure she could live with herself.
When the fuck had she begun to care so much about others?

"I'm not done with you, bitch."
Juna pointed a finger in Bethany's direction and walked smoothly from the room, not wanting to portray the panic that was making every atom in her body vibrate.

As the door closed behind her she nearly walked directly into Anchor who had evidently been watching intently.
"She really got under your skin, didn't she?" He tittered.

"Get the fuck out of my way you ugly bastard." Juna pushed him violently to the side causing him to stumble into a chair.

She heard him shouting behind her but she hardly heard him over the blood pumping in her ears.
There was a high possibility that Bethany had indeed only intended to get under her skin by mentioning George and his shop. But even a sliver of a chance that what she was getting at was true, couldn't be risked.

The second she stepped foot outside the building she apparated to Diagon Alley. She had landed a few shops down from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and glanced around, her eyes scanning the faces and body language of everyone in the vicinity.
Once she had surveyed the surroundings, she moved quickly toward the large orange shop, her eyes darting this way and that trying to detect anything suspicious.

Yanking the door open Juna stepped into the shop, the familiar tinkle coming from above her head announcing her arrival through the door.
There was a small group of teenagers chatting as they inspected joke products to her left and an older man to her right reading the back of a fireworks packet.
But she saw no red hair.

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