Chapter 28 - It Seems Too Easy

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A shriek rang out through the dimly lit bar. The crowd of people once talking and laughing, were now snapping their heads around to where the scream came from.
A brown haired woman was holding open the door to the ladies bathroom where plumes of smoke took their chance to escape out of the now open door. Flames could be seen melting the basins and licking at the walls coating them in black soot.
The toilet paper had worked better than Juna had anticipated, she silently gave herself a pat on the back.

"Everybody out!" Shouted the bar manager who was stomping around, shooing his patrons out the door.

Juna knew it would be as simple as to cast a spell and put the fire out, but it seemed safety was paramount to business's these days. Besides, the ladies bathroom would be unusable until they set out to fix it.
But this was working out exactly as she wanted. She caught Harry's eye who gave her a relieved nod, Perseus on the other hand was scowling at her.

"You did this." He hissed grabbing her arm as they were herded out of the door.

She saw his hand grasped around the handle of his wand in his waistband. Surely he wouldn't be that dumb as to attack her in front of all these people.

Juna yanked her arm away from his grasp and glared at him.
"I don't appreciate what you're insinuating, Harpe."

"You don't even know why I'm here."

"No, and I don't care to know either." She spat.

"Well that's shit!" Ron was complaining. "I didn't even get to finish my beer!"

"Would you rather burn to death, Ronald?" Hermione scolded.

"Oh please, I could have sorted that little fire out in no time. It was clearly purposely lit, would have been nothing." He puffed his chest out as the group collectively rolled their eyes.

"Why would someone light that on purpose though?" Lee asked.

Harry and Juna exchanged glances but said nothing.

"Never mind. Shall we all go back to mine and George's?" Fred said

"Oh I don't know-" Juna cut in before anyone could answer. "I mean, Harpe and I were just discussing how tired we both are. He's very scared of fire and said he wants to go home." She rushed.

Perseus looked visibly annoyed causing Fred's face to crease in worry.
"Maybe Juna is right, you look awful mate. I'll take you home."

"Uh- actually Fred I was hoping we could um... I need you to do something with me. I'm sure Harpe will be just fine on his own. Right Harpe?"

George turned to Perseus with a look that would make a lesser man shrivel to dust. Seeing this side of George gave Juna butterflies.

"Yes." Perseus said through gritted teeth. "Just fine."
He turned and stalked away before disapparating further down the street.

Why was that so easy? Juna had no idea it would be so simple to get rid of him and the thought made her stomach flip nervously. It couldn't be a good thing he had so willingly left when he had clearly set out to infiltrate this group and intertwine himself in her life with a purpose in mind. She couldn't dwell on it though, she was mostly just grateful he had left without making her life hard.

Fred looked taken aback by not getting so much as a 'goodbye' from his friend. But Juna, George and Harry all sagged with relief. They knew it wasn't over and they had only gotten rid of him for the evening, if anything he was more pissed off than ever. But it gave them time to come up with a plan and try and ensure the safety of Fred and the others.

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