Chapter 16 - Make me feel

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It had been raining non-stop for the last week. But George didn't care, it suited his mood since the moment Cove slammed his own office door in his face after she told him to leave her alone a week ago.
That girl drove him crazy. He never knew where he stood with her. The sex was amazing, she was breathtakingly beautiful and witty but he just couldn't get a grip on her. Not to mention she said she was an Auror, but Harry had no clue who she was. She was so mysterious.

George shoved boxes of Puking Pastilles onto the shelves of his shop in an annoyed and half hearted manner as his head swam with thoughts.

"Oi! Careful you git!"
Fred whacked him on the back of the head roughly before attempting to arrange the boxes into a neat line.

"What's your problem lately? Is it that girl? Just go fucking see her." Fred was irritated.

"It's not that simple." George grumbled.

"How? You know where she lives, right? So basically what you do is put your left foot in front of your right and do that until you reach your destination. So simple!" The sarcasm dripped from his voice.

"Shove off, Fred. She doesn't want to see me."

"All girls say that, Georgie. But what they actually want is for you to go see them."

"I couldn't! She's very private. She would hate me for showing up uninvited. I think she's even lied about where she works!"

Fred chortled.
"Yeah right, mate. And maybe Cove isn't even her real name!" He mocked.

George put the last box on the shelf - rather uselessly it seemed, because Fred only rearranged everything he did.

"Just go upstairs, mate. Have a break. I'm sick of you moping around here making the customers depressed, ok?"
Fred's voice portrayed jest, but he always has his brothers best interests at heart and did want him to feel better.

George nodded and made his way glumly up the stairs to the flat they shared. He kicked off his shoes and began making a cup of tea.
He watched the water in the cup ripple as he dunked the teabag, his mind going over the last interaction Cove and himself had.

The look on her face when he told her he gave a shit about her - it was almost like she had never heard it said to her before. The emptiness in her eyes was so deep and immense, like she was hollow to the bone. Any sorrow hidden there though was quickly pushed away by anger though before she stormed out.
He had wanted to touch her so bad at that moment. To touch her warm skin and silky blonde hair, her perfect curves and soft lips.

George took a sip of the scalding tea, savouring the flavour and heat it held as it slipped down his throat.
He had written Cove a letter, which she had never replied to. He had half expected that though. He wondered if he should write another. What would he even write? It would only scare her to know the feelings that reeled through him every time they were close, or touched, or even when he merely thought about her.

He watched the rain pour outside the window for the next 15 minutes before returning to work with a forced smile on his face for the rest of the day. It was exhausting to work in a joke shop while being unhappy.

Finally the end of the day came after re-stocking again from a busy day. It was dark by the time George went upstairs to share dinner with Fred who had cooked lamb chops and vegetables.

"If you don't go see her, I'm going to go see her myself and tell her what a mess she's made of you." Fred spoke through a mouthful of broccoli.

George shot him a warning look.

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