Chapter 6 - Surveillance

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After a three hour long interrogation, Juna walked out of the room annoyed and exhausted.
She had got nothing out of that criminal other than his own blood and screams, but it seemed even that wasn't enough to get him to talk.

"Well?" Demanded Anchor.


He scoffed loudly at her apparent incompetence.
"Thought you could use that pretty little face of yours to get him to talk."

"Hmm, well it seems he doesn't react to pretty faces or gruesomely ugly ones like yours! I guess we are shit out of luck then!"
She mocked before continuing passed him.

She made her way to one of the glass housed offices on the other side of the room.
She knocked twice on the door belonging to Jack. He was the top dog around here, responsible for handing out assignments and everything else that pertained to this department.

"Cove. Come in." He waved her inside.

"Jack, got anything for me?"

He paused to shuffle through a stack of papers briefly before pulling one out and reading it quickly.
"Ah yes, this one here."
He handed it to her.

Scanning the page, Juna squinted her eyes at it.
"Really? Surveillance? Come on Jack, I haven't had a good duel in ages!"

"You caught Knoll over there only a few nights ago, you silly girl!" He retorted.

Juna rolled her eyes.
"Was hardly a duel. The dickhead hid in a bin full of rotten food and was basically a sitting duck. It was too easy!"

"Well that's all I have for you right now, Cove - take it or leave it. It seems like all the known dark witches and wizards have gone M.I.A."

"Three guesses where they've gone." Juna huffed.

"I was thinking that too. No doubt Perseus has some devious plan he's pulled them all into. That's why I want you on surveillance of her." He tapped a picture of a middle aged, black haired woman with his finger.
"She's been seen floating around Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley. If there's something going on with Perseus, I have no doubt she will end up going to find him."

Juna snatched the file with the woman's photo off his desk and started flicking through the brief.

"I'm sorry he's back in town Cove, I know how much he affects you." His tone became softer.

"He does not affect me." She snapped.

Her response only prompted a pitying look from him.

"Whatever. I'll be out looking for her." She said as she waved the file in the air while walking out.

She wished people would stop bringing up her last run in with Perseus.
Yes, he was evil and cruel and had split her open with a particularly nasty hex last time they met. Not to mention he killed Audrey. But bringing him up didn't help her emotions. She didn't want to feel them, she wasn't allowed to feel them.

Audrey was about 11 years older than Juna, but she was the only person Juna had ever gotten along with. She was kind, gentle and funny - the only person who had ever resembled a friend or loved one to her. She didn't even feel this way for her own parents. She only had Audrey.

She didn't have a cover name, Audrey was her real name. She usually stayed put, safe inside the walls of the MIU sorting and filing paperwork, keeping the office running.
It still didn't make sense to Juna why she had even come that night. She had insisted she could find where he was hiding, Anchor had allowed her to come with them, the stupid git. It turned out to be the last thing Audrey ever did.

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