Chapter 61 - Perfect

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George let out a gasp of glee as he and Juna apparated to a spot a few metres from the cosy cabin she had been renting. Light glowed gently through the windows, rivalling the rising sun shining through the snow-topped trees. A wisp of white smoke curled from the brick chimney - remnants of the fire Juna had lit before being called back to the twins flat.

"This is so cool!" He rushed toward the front door as Juna laughed and followed.

The two entered the cabin and George moved around the room, drinking it in, touching everything.

He knocked on the wooden bench top in the kitchen.
"Good quality." He nods his approval.

Juna takes a moment to stoke the fire, getting it nice and warm again as George disappears into the bedroom and adjoined bathroom. It was silent for a moment before he comes tearing back out the door like an excited school kid.

"Juna! That bathtub is incredible! I will definitely be having a soak in there before I leave."

"Sure, George. Only if I can join you." She winked at him, revelling in the way a flush crept up his neck.

He walks toward where she stood in front of the large fireplace and snaked his hands around her waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. They gazed into the flickering fire together, relaxing in the moment.
This. This is all Juna wanted. George, a cosy home and contentment.

"Hungry?" She asks him after a few minutes.

George nodded against her shoulder.
"What you got?"

"Bacon and eggs?"

"Sounds delectable."

Juna and George cooked their breakfast seamlessly, moving around and working together like they had been doing it their whole lives. They talked and laughed, joked and played, and it was perfect.

They ate on the couch in front of the crackling fire, George with his feet up on the coffee table and Juna with her legs tucked up under her.

"This house is so cute." He was saying. "I imagine living somewhere like this one day. Waking up and drinking coffee while I look out at the trees and listening to the blissful silence. Way better than listening to Fred stomp around the house with his big fucking elephant feet."

Juna smiled as she listened to him detail his perfect life between mouthfuls of bacon. She genuinely hoped he would get it one day.

"I'd have an even bigger fireplace than this! And the garden would stretch on for ages, just like it does at The Burrow. I could sit on deck and watch my kids play-"

Juna's smile faded somewhat. She couldn't help but imagine herself sitting next to George in the fantasy world he was imagining, and it killed her. Thankfully, he eventually fell into the topic of the weird kinds of plants his friend Neville sells down the street in Diagon Alley.

George cleaned and tidied the dirty dishes while Juna lay her paperwork out in front of her at the small dining table between the kitchen and the living room. She set to mind-numbing work, cross referencing places Perseus's followers had been spotted from reports other agents had given to Jack, seeing what places seemed to be visited often. It often never came to much but someone had to do the work.

George flicked through some of the books the muggle owners had in the dark mahogany bookshelves that took up part of the wall. After about an hour he began nodding off, which was fair as they had been up for over 24 hours now. Juna got up and conjured a knitted blanket, laying it gently over his legs and torso. She pushed his thick, orange hair from his face and studied his features. Long lashes dipped against the pale skin of his cheek, freckled as though someone had sprinkled cocoa powder over his face. He was lovely.

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