Chapter 27 - Force a Smile

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Juna and Perseus had taken their seats back at the table that was crowded by George, Fred, Ron, Hermione and Lee. Everyone besides Juna and George were chatting happily, completely unaware of the peril they were potentially in.
George clung to Juna's hand under the table, trying and failing to bring her some kind of comfort with his presence, but he didn't dare utter a word to her.

Juna's head was a swirling mess. She tried to keep her eyes away from Perseus as to not draw attention, but she kept finding herself staring him down with such hatred she could barely contain the urge to kill him on the spot.
The more she thought about it, the more she convinced herself she could do it, within a matter of seconds she would have her wand out, he would be dead and it would be over.
But on the flip side - everyone one would see, there's nothing to say Perseus doesn't have his henchmen scattered around in the crowd who would kill off everyone in here if she even moved the wrong way. Not to mention Fred who could easily be under some kind of influence that could end badly - there's also a chance he's just that stupid to become best friends with Voldemort II.

"And what is it you do, Juna?"
Perseus's sweet voice cut through the turmoil in her mind making her flinch ever so slightly. The look in his eyes proved he was trying to catch her out in front of these people.
The entire group turned to look at her expectantly. George gave her a hand a squeeze, settling her roiling stomach briefly as she scrambled for something to say.


"Harry!" Ron shouted with a grin.

Juna turned to look and spotted Harry Potter entering the bar following a pretty red headed girl she could only assume was the Weasley sister - Ginny. She silently thanked them for coming at this specific moment and saving her from being a stuttering mess. She was usually so put together and composed. She had a story for everything but right now her brain wasn't working, it was consumed by the presence of Perseus.

The group erupted in greetings and small talk as Harry and Ginny sat down. Oddly, Juna could see clear disdain on Perseus's face as he encountered Harry. Was he afraid? Harry had been the one to defeat Voldemort, perhaps Perseus was afraid he could meet the same end at his hands. But did Harry even know who he was? Judging by his face, Juna thought not, which was a blow.
The couple squeezed around the table and began engaging in conversation.

"Hello, I don't think we've met." Ginny reached a hand out to shake Juna's.
"I'm Ginny and this is my boyfriend Harry. We've heard so much about you from George. A pleasure." She smiled warmly as she shook Juna's hand with vigour.

Juna smiled back and muttered a greeting as her eyes flicked over to Harry who was fumbling under the table with something. He wasn't as poised as she assumed 'the boy who lived' would be.

"Say hello, Harry." Ginny nudged him with her elbow.

Harry glanced up, his round glasses slipping on his nose slightly.
"Uh- right. Yes, hello."

He awkwardly extended a hand across the table which Juna met with her own. She was surprised to feel something soft - a piece of a napkin perhaps - concealed in his palm as their skin met. Her gaze darted up to him, his eyes conveyed knowing but his face remained relaxed and unsuspecting.
Juna pulled her hand away from the solid handshake, bringing the napkin with her but being careful to keep it hidden from the eyes of the others.

Harry immediately engaged the whole group in conversation. As soon as all eyes were on him, Juna unfolded the piece of torn napkin under the table, then chanced a look down to read it.
It was hard to read, Harry had clearly used a charm as he didn't have a quill. But Juna could recognise that word anywhere. It read;

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