Chapter 32 - Happy Release

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Juna sat on her couch staring straight ahead, not at anything in particular - just staring at nothing. A numbness had overtaken her body and mind the second she sat down, she dare not move lest the last few hours come tumbling back into her consciousness.
Usually after having to assassinate someone, she would go to a bar and pick up the nearest man or woman she took a fancy to for some hard, fast, dirty sex. She didn't know why it was something she did, it just was - almost as if she deserved to feel like shit, she deserved to be thrown around and called a slut. She did like it, there was no denying that - but after it was done she felt like she could be buried alive and she wouldn't even scream.

It was killing her and taking all her strength not to fall into old habits and seek out a one night stand. Even though her and George weren't offical, she couldn't break his heart like that.

His name slipped out of her mouth in a hoarse whisper as she blinked away unwanted tears. Longing plagued her heart and she wanted nothing more right now than to be cradled in his arms - or better yet, his hand around her throat.

Juna stumbled to the kitchen and pulled out a small piece of parchment and a quill and scribbled three little words;

I need you.

She pushed open the window above her sink and whistled loudly. A minute later, a small tawny owl fluttered to a halt and perched lightly on the sill.

"Take this to George." She said gently as the bird clamped the note tightly in its beak before flying off.

While she waited for a response, Juna showered and changed into nothing but an oversized shirt and sat herself on the couch. Again she stared at nothing, she didn't feel like putting on the TV or music or reading. She needed silence and calm unless it was George.

Minutes felt like hours as her eyes continuously flickered to the window to see if the owl had returned with a letter from George. It had only been about 10 minutes when she heard a pop from by the elevator. Juna stood up and whipped around with her wand drawn, only to find George looking at her with concern. He said nothing as he took long strides over to her and immediately took her in his arms.
George held her tightly before pulling away and cupping her cheeks in his large hands.

"You're so pale, Juna what's happened? What's the matter?"

Everything inside her screamed to let the words out of her mouth, but she couldn't let George know what a monster she was even if he already knew what she did for a living. He wouldn't look her in the eye if he knew she had taken a mans life mere hours ago.
So instead, she kissed him - hard. Her lips were feverishly covering his, her hands in his hair, her body pressed up against his.

"Wait, Juna please." He pulled slightly away, but didn't let go of her.
"You need to tell me what's wrong. Don't bury your issues."

Juna could feel that her eyes were wide and wild, but she couldn't get herself to say what George wanted to hear. The concern was clearly etched on his face as he searched her eyes and stroked the hair from her face.

"I just need you, Georgie."

"Well I can't help you if you don't tell me the problem." He whispered gently.

"I don't need you to fix my problems, I just need you." She slid her hands seductively up his torso to rest on his chest.

A flush crept up a George's neck but he remained silent.

"I want you to fuck me, George." She pleaded.

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